New to this site :)


Jul 15, 2011
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Am new to this site.. i am charli and i am a mum to Joe who is 15 months old and expecting our daughter on the 15th August so am nearly 36 weeks pregnant :)

I joined because today i have been getting really strong BH and i swear they are getting closer together. now do i wait till they are really close or do i need to go to the DAU because i am only 36 weeks?

Thanks x
Sorry I can't give any advice, have you spoke to you midwife? Just thought I'd say hi though :) xx
well my MW is totally useless.. i ring her and ask her something and she goes into another world and starts waffling about something completly different or just makes stupid noises like umm humm and uhhh huh and it's like :shock:.. i asked a question lol. so can't really ring her x
Hi welcome to the forum! Are you still getting your bh? Might be worth if your mw is useless giving your labour ward a ring, especially if they aren't easing off at all?
Hey and welcome to pf :) I'm due 15th too :) I was getting bad pains with bh the other night... Went on for about 3/4 hours til I fell asleep and I was timing them at about 3/4 minutes apart... When I woke up in the morning they had stopped though... Then came back a couple of days later for an hourish then went again... Spoke to MW yesterday and she said it was cervical changes causing the pains. If I were you I'd just go on instinct... Do you think it is early labour? Or do you think you could get some sleep and see what happens?

Hope all is ok xx

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