New to this - Please be gentle!


New Member
Jun 13, 2007
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Hello ladies

This is my first posting and despite the user name I am a lady! (Chose the cat's name and it seemed like a good idea at the time!)

Any way, my story is this:
I am 30 years old and came off the Pill in November 06 but didn't actually start trying until January 07. My cycle appears to have settled down at 33 days which seems pretty long to me but I don't know what it was pre pill as I've been on it on and off since I was 16.

I started doing the fertility diary thing in March and from the first 2 months, the temperature shift appears to be day 23. The battery in the termometer ran out so I moved on to the ovulation tests this months from day 19 onwards and nothing happened.

Since we have been trying, my last 2 periods were extremely short (about 2 days) and extremely light, nothing more than spotting really. MY friend thought this could be implant bleeding and I might actually be pregnany but no such luck according to the tests.

I am really worried now that there is something wrong. We have certainly been having plenty of bedroom activity at the right times but nothing so far.

this may seem premature but has anyone got any similar experiences or advice? do you think I should be worried?

Thank you all...
Hiya, I dont think a visit ti the doc will do any harm but also, I dont think that there is any cause for alarm.

Welcome to the forum and good luck ttc.
I'm quite new to this myself so not the person to be giving advice, but there are loads of lovely people here who are really clued up.

Welcome to the forum and good luck ttc. I hope you get a BFP soon :hug:
Thank you for your encouraging replies so far! Being thick here but must ask... I've worked out that BFP means a positive test and AF means your period but what on earth do they stand for?!

Been reading this board for 20 mins and feel better already!
Thanks so much...
Hello welcome to the forum :wave:

I don't think that your cycle is too long. Mine is 32 days and I think that 28 is just an average. I don't know much about charting or temping but I know a lot of girls on here do that so they should be able to give you some advice. I tend to assume that I'm ov'ing about two weeks before day 32 (day 18 ) and make sure my we BD around that time.

I see you have been trying for about 6 months, I'm about the same. I think I've read on here that most people go to the doctors if they have been trying for a year or longer. However as your last two periods where a bit unusual for you it might be worth getting it checked out. It probably isn't anything to worry about but it might lay your mind at rest if you get some medical advice :)

Good luck :D


BFP = big fat positive
AF = Aunt Flo
BD = baby dance
Welcome to forum hunnie :wave:

I came off the pill on the 20th jan this year and my AF's have been a bit all over the place to :
Cycle 1: 23 days
Cycle 2: 33 days
Cycle 3: 28 days
Cycle 4: 32 days

Am currently on my 5th cycle. I don't think you have anything to worry about hun. As you say you've been taking the pill since you were 16 so it will take a while for you body to get back into some sort of routine. But if it's really worrying you then go to your GP hun.

Anyhow good luck TTC :hug: :hug:

Oh BTW here is a link to a list of abbreviatioins
Welcome the the forum

I have been TTC since Sep 06, and for about 3-5 months my periods were very light, now they are full on :wall:

I really would not worry yet, if you have been on pill for long time that will be the main reason.

Good Luck TTC & hope you get your BFP real soon

if you've been getting nothing on ovulation tests and your periods are really light then there's a slight possibility you might not be ovulating.

I don't want to cause any alarm, just to say if it was me, I'd go to the GP and ask for a hormone level test. They can then tell you for sure and can sort it out if you aren't.

You don't want to keep trying and find out later.

Hope this helps,

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