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lynsey1st baby

New Member
May 8, 2012
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Hey ladies im new to this forum, wanted to look for a forum where i can talk to other pregnant women going through this at the same time, im a ftm, im having a little boy due on the 11th june, really excited but also really scared at the thought of labour xx
Welcome to the forum :) every1s really nice here. I'm also scared of labour as its my first baby and don't know what up expect haha. I'm having a boy too due on the 5th of July! Can't wait xxx
Aww thanks for replying to the post, didnt know if anyone would, ive been on other forums where ive been totally ignored :( i cant wait to meet my little guy just so scared of how much its going to hurt, it will all be worth it though when i see his gorgeous little face, so how has your pregnancy been so far? xx
Welcome :)

You will be fine and its all worth it in the end!
Touch wood I've had a really nice pregnancy!!! I didn't even feel pregnan til about 25 weeks when the backache kicked in but apart from that I've had hardly any complaints :) what about urs? Have u had much sickness? And aww, people are really friendly here, anything u wanna ask and u'll pretty much get an answer from everyone, it's nice!xxx
Hi hun! Welcome!! You will like this forum everyone is lovely. Im expecting my first baby on 5th July and I'm having a little girl. I'm also terrified about birth!! Not a lot I can do about it now mind.. She's in there and she's gotta come out. Ha ha.
Thanks ladies :) im glad people here are chatty and friendly just what you need sometimes, my preganancy has been good, had no sickness at all, in alot of pain with my back now mind lol but to be expected with just 5 weeks to go, im ready for my little guy to come out when hes ready also lol xx
Hello and welcome :) You are just a few days ahead of me - I am due on 15th June. I can't wait, but at the same time, I am trying to make the most of my last few weeks as I think I will miss my bump when it is gone! xx

I'm also a ftm, due in 5 days!!!
Welcome hun, iv only been on the forum since week 28, the women are all so lovely and helpful ! I'm due 1 day before you :) ftm too ! Little bit nervous about going into labour, so not much the pain part though lol, still need to add a photo and ticker thing but I'm not sure how to do it :) x x x x
Hello! Welcome to PF. I'm due not long after you. Glad you have had a good pregnancy - me too, so far! Don't worry about labour: it'll all be worth it in the end. xx
Welcome to PF, everyone is really lovely on here! I'm a ftm too, due 7th July, and pooing myself about labour lol! I had a tummy ache yesterday and just kept thinking 'labours gonna worse than this, O god!' Still, will definately be worth it and can't wait to meet baby!

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