New to this could do with some advice


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Mar 23, 2006
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Hi Everyone

I'm Laura I've been married for 10 months and TTC for just under 12 months. Went to the GP in Oct as I was having a very long cycle and no sign of a baby but he told me to go away and come back in April but assured me that I would probably be pregnant by then but so far no luck. We have an appointment back with the GP the first week in April but I'm really not sure what to expect and how long any investigations he undertakes will take. Can anyone shed any light on what might happen or what might be said.

I'm not sure I'm even ovulating, I've got the ovulation test strips but i'm very irregular so its diffcult to know when to test, have tried taking my temp but not really sure how it works!

Any advie would be great!

Hi Laura

I am in the same boat as you, except I waited over 2.5 years to finally go to the GP, even though I had a pretty good idea that I wasn't ovulating all the time.

Long and irregular cycles seem to indicate possible problems. Mine vary from 31-38 days, and the last one came in at 46 days!

So I went to the doc. I am fairly sure this will be the course of action:

1) Get sperm sample from your OH as this is the least 'invasive' procedure and it's half the battle!
2) Do a blood test at Day 21. In 'normal' cycles by that day there should be a high level of progesterone. If it isn't high it would suggest you haven't ovulated.

I had figured, even if I do ovulate, that it might be around Day 21-22-23, so I was sure that that test wouldn't show anything. Sure enough, I showed a level of progesterone that is consistent with Day 1 of a cycle! And I did the same test at Day 28 and sure enough, same thing! Yesterday I did a Day 35 blood test, so next Wednesday I'll know the results of that.

Other doctors seem to do a Day 5 and then a Day 21 test--I'm not sure why my doc didn't do the Day 5 one.

What happens after this I'm not sure, but another member of this group said that the next step for her in this situation was to go on the fertility drug Chlomid (it makes you ovulate!)

All the very best of luck in TTC, figuring out your body, and dealing with this weird and stressful time!
Hi laura i too was alittle like you tried for ages no ovulation etc and like margaret said then went onto the clomid - that didn't work for me and we were then set for IUI treatment.
My best piece of advice for you is to relax - i know that its hard i've been there too.
Relax write down all of your dates from day one of cycle for a few months as you will need all of this when you go to GP or gyne.
Try not to let it rule your life - i did and it causes all sorts of problems.
I don't know what your weight is like but even if it is fine this could work for you too but i did the GI diet as i have polycistic overies too which doesn't help, but by following the diet and trying to get fit and losing a bit of weight and relaxing i managed to on my own start ovulating and my cycles regulated. Im sure that this all helped me to get there after years of trying.
Your turn will come too - get your hubby checked too, there is loads that they can do to help with most probs.
good luck you will be fine
Love Laura xx
This isn't really advice but just want to give you ladies with long cycles some inspiration. I have always had a long and varied cycle, at least 40 days. I didn't know if I was ovulating and bought 100 cheap tests off ebay. I tested all the time and I got a pale line on day 31 but not as dark as they say makes a positive for ovulation but BD that night and fell pregnant the first month of trying. I am sure if I hadn't used the tests I wouldn't have fallen pregnant easily, there is such a small window for getting preagnant and having a long cycle makes even less chances. wasn't TTC before but I tried pinpoiting my ovulation by monitering CM and I think I was correct but the month I concieved didn't notice much CM. We didn't BD the week before until I had that pale line so perhaps this helped too.

Good luck everyone TTC xx

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