New to boards, pregnant and worried.....

Here We Go Again...

New Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Hi all,

I have never used these boards before but have read them a few times :)

I had an ectopic on 14th Feb 2007 and had my right tube removed, I found out by way of a positive test that I am pregnant again already! I don't know how far along I am but I think it is around the 6 week mark. Have you or do you know anyone that has had a sucessful pregnancy so soon after a loss?

I have an early scan this Weds, I can't wait but I am so nervous!

I hope to be able to report in on Weds with some good news

J x
Hello and welcome to the forum,
Congratulations on your good news..... :cheer: :clap:
I hope this PG goes smoothly for you.

As for your question, YES lots and lots of ladies go on to have full happy healthy pregnancies soon after loss.... You will be no different :hug:

I know many woman who say their angel just warmed their souls in preparation for the new baby to come....I think that is the case, you had a trial run and now you are onto the real thing.... Contact your GP/MW asap as you may need some extra care so soon after the operation but I am sure apart for being a tad tender at times you will be fine...
I hope this helps :hug: Lv Yvonne xx

Sorry about your lose hun :hug:
I know people who have suffered a loss and ended up having many successful pregnancies.
Good luck and congradulations
Thank you for your responses, it is good to be able to express how I feel without my other half getting worried or just not understanding. I have a scan booked for tomoro morning so I will hopefully find out whats happening and when my baby is due :)
well congrats hun and i'm wishing you the best of luck.....

:hug: :hug:
I am walking proof of a successful pregancy, just a month after the loss of twins! My Mum lost her twins just 4 weeks before finding out she was having me, and had a complication free pregnancy (apparently I was so happy in there, I didn't want to come out!!)

I'm sure you will feel some mixed emotions, sadness for your loss, and happiness for the new pregnancy, but that is to be expected I'm sure, just take it easy, and get lots of support from your doc, MW and family and friends. Good luck!
Thank you for all your kind words, I had a scan and it looks as if this is a viable pregnancy! I have been dated at 7 and a half weeks. I am soo pleased, if only the sickness would hurry along and be over!
hi hun
i had my ectopic sept 06 and had my tube removed was told to wait 3m's b4 trying again
now i'm nearly 15wks pg had scan at 6wks and everything was fine
i can understand how nervours u r :hug:
how did they remove your ectopic ?
try not to worry only 1 more day till your scan
Congratulations hun I am delighted its a viable pregnancy here's to the next 8 months hope it all goes smoothly for you. :hug: :cheer:

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