New pope!

Sorry hun, I am not very excited.... I just had a quick look and it's the Argentinian chap... first non European Pope in a long time!

Why are you so excited about it all if you don't mind me asking?

I am not at all religious but Vatican City is one of the most amazing places I have ever been, I go every single time I go to Rome, it is such a magical place.

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I'm not bothered who it is but I do find the conclave really interesting every time it plays out. :)
I wouldn't say exciting but I'm interested, oh is a catholic but not practicing. This is the 2nd elected pope in my lifetime so far!lol

I do wonder of he thinks "oh jeez I'm the pope"!

Apparently it's very common for them to be emotional and overcome with the responsibility, so the room where he is taken to reflect and to put on the papal white cassock is called "the room of tears "
Sorry hun, I am not very excited.... I just had a quick look and it's the Argentinian chap... first non European Pope in a long time!

Why are you so excited about it all if you don't mind me asking?

I am not at all religious but Vatican City is one of the most amazing places I have ever been, I go every single time I go to Rome, it is such a magical place.


Well Im a practising catholic and I find it exciting to see where our new Pope will take us :)

Think he was a bit shocked and stunned. He asked everyone to pray for him xx
It must be a big shock . He looks young for a pope doesn't he ? I didn't catch his age did you ?
Oh :lol: just seen 76 . Not exactly a spring chicken
I'm not surprised they've elected him to be honest... there is a MASSIVE... catholic following in south america.... xx exciting new times xx
He really doesn't ! I'm really interested to see what he brings to the church
I can't believe the amount of 'closet Catholics' that are popping up on Facebook :/
I'm so excited too! I find the Vatican, it's history and the conclave so utterly fascinating! I can't believe we've had 2 in such a short space of time!

I'm an Italian Roman Catholic and would love to know what truly went on behind Pope Benedict's resignation. I do feel very let down by a lot of the things that have happened by those in power in the church BUT I still believe in the fundamental teachings of the religion. i went to a convent school and the nuns and priesrs were lovely. The priest at my church is wonderful too.

Not too convinced about this Pope, he seems very conservative (of course Catholicism is general is pretty conservative LOL!!). We'll see I guess.

OH is Catholic - not practicing though.

I love the whole ceremony that surrounds the choosing of the Pope etc and as I say I think Vatican City is a magical place... First time in the Sistine Chapel reduced me to tears... I am not religious but I am quite spiritual.

I was reduced to tears too Carnat! I found it all so overwhelming!
How funny that it gave us the same reaction!!!

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