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Jan 25, 2010
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hi my names leanne im 24 and 8wks+2 with my 3rd child i have a little boy 5 and a little girl 21 months we wanted another but was abit shocked when we found out coz we hadnt started trying yet but happy shocked. ive got midwife coming sunday for first visit . ive been reading all your posts for awile now so feel like i know sum of you a little bit lol. i though 3rd time around i would be an old hat at this but its just as scary and i still worry. with my other two we told ppl as soon as we found out but this time just me and my bf know ive liked not telling ppl and cant wait till we fanally do but its getting hard now to come up with resons why i cant drink or eat summit im not aloud and why i feel sick so coming on here i though i least i can talk 2 other ppl about it and not just my bf thanks alot for reading xxx
hiya and welcome to the forum!
congratulations and hope you have a smooth pregnancy x
hiya welcome and congratulations! x
thanks alot everyone midwife is coming 2day so hopefully get sum info off her and scan date soon, my little boy sleeped at my sisters last night and she is dropping him off 2day midwife said between 12-5 so my sister mite have 2 be the first person we tell as she could be hear when, the midwife turns up will be weird sumone knowing but cant wait 2 finally tell sumone. dunno what we gunna tell my little boy think jst have 2 says its his little sisters check up or summit lol wish me look xxx
welcome to the forum. it is hard when ppl are asking why u arnt drin king. i had to go on my works christmas party and it was a free bar. every1 was asking why i was drinking. i just sed i had an ear infection and was on antibiotics

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