new member TTC for a while :(

Wow, that sounded like a really straightforward and quick referral! It's great that your GP made it so easy. I agree that sometimes it is the older men who are better - it was a female GP who told us to keep trying for 6 months more when we'd already been trying years.

I look forward to hearing your updates and a positive pregnancy test very soon :-)
Thanks everyone! Hope my result comes back OK and we just need something to get the OHs periods monthly as I've heard that's what they try and do. Fingers crossed! Feeling a lot more positive as its in the process of being sorted
The doctor will probably clomid - hopefully it works!

Failing that, buy myo-inositol and maca root tablets online. They should work together to do the same job and have given me nice 28 day cycles. :-)
Thanks :D hopefully its just a case of clomid.

The fertility place called and we have an appointment for a scan etc on Friday, bloods being done tomorrow and hopefully ill hear about my test tomorrow :D
Excellent news, well done. I'm just waiting for my referral now. My docs kept changing and the first two were set on referring me, the latest has said no. Figures. Got to wait two months but that's not too long luckily and I'll have done all the tests by then.

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Thanks! Good luck with your referral!

Turns out my swimmers are good :D

Just scan to do now on Friday.. I'm impatient and even I'm impressed with how quick it's happening!
Had the appointment on Friday, turns out she has pcos. Everything else was OK. They took blood although I don't remember why we need to wait for them to be in touch for another appointment to hopefully sort medication to sort it out. Looking good and going well so far!
That's good to hear, I'm glad you've got some answers! I'm guessing it'll be metformin and/or clomid? Metformin has helped me a lot xx
Thanks :) I'm not sure she never went into detail. I'm glad we went where we did as its a more rural type area so the hospital is small and felt more personal
Little update, after taking agnus castus her periods seem pretty much normal now.

Still waiting to hear from the hospital after having bloods taken though.

But.. After getting a positive fertility test a 2/3 weeks ago she's having a lot of symptoms that could be down to pregnancy, her period would have normally been earlier in the week too so going to test today and willl let you know :D

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