New member crashing in to third tri...

:wave: Hi there, Nat here and i'm 27 weeks today so now this is my home :lol:

Hope everyone is ok and look forward to chatting with everyone. Not long for everyone here now is it? :D

Anyway i'll stop rabbiting on :rotfl: and start reading the posts

Nat and Bump x x
Hi Nat, welcome to the last stretch, are you having an easy pregnancy? :D
Welcome :hug: to the last stretch hunnie...hope everything is going well for you....and hope to chat with you soon.
Love, hugs n best wishes
skatty said:
Hi Nat, welcome to the last stretch, are you having an easy pregnancy? :D

Not easy at all i'd say but it's going very quick. Can't believe that in (about) 13 weeks i'll have my little Bambino Edwards :)

How are all of your pregnancies going everyone? Anyone still feeling sick, exhausted, dizzy and faint like me? :(

*hugs to all* x x
Welcome on board hun, yep I'm still feeling pretty crap but know that when I look down into my little ones tonsils (I just know he'll be a screamer :wink: ) it will very much be worth it.
Dont know what I'd do without the smashing support of this mad house, its quickly becoming my lifeline :hug:
Welcome Nat, sorry you're having it a bit rough :(

I've found the last couple of months amongst the easiest. Still feeling rough, yes, but you get so big everyone makes allowances for you and you can milk it a bit! :clap:
hev to other half: im so tired can you hoover

other half: ok as long as your ok :rotfl:
Big welcome to you Nat, sorry you aren't 'blooming' at the moment. Not feeling too bad - just finding it hard to eat a full meal, due to heartburn, but means I can have a little treat later on, for baby's sake of course!!

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