New Hair tommorrow**update Im back**


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Well Im back! With hair that looks NOTHING like the pic :lol: I couldnt have the colour I wanted as there was colour already on my hair, so its not all that blonde :cry: plus I had to have 3 inches cut off because my hair was in such a state :oops: I VOW to have it done now all the time and next time Il go blonder. Its looks nice though, I feel human again. And to treat myself a little more I spent £160 in Jane Norman :shhh:

Il post a pic tommorrow as Ive just been rained on :lol:

Im having my hair done tommorrow. Im going back to blonde again at long last! I used one of those makeover websites to find a new 'do' and here is what I chose :)


I hope it doesnt all fall out after Ive had it done otherwise Il be wig shopping!! :lol:

Here is my hair at the mo, brown and boring. Please excuse the stupid face Im pulling - I was drunk and the chewing gum :oops:!


And this was me blonde before I got pregnant! The makeover pic is just freaky :lol:

Oooo sexy mama!

I felt sooo much better going blonde again after having James. Think your like me - more suited to blondeness than browness!
You need to feel sexy when your a mama! :lol:

I definately prefer to be blonde, it suits my personality. I feel dull being brown!! :hug:
Well hun I think you look gorgeous either way, but hope the blondeness peps you up a bit, you deserve to feel fab and that style looks lovely :hug:
You'll look gorg whatever Sarah. That reminds me.. I need to do mine ASAP!
you look great both ways!!
:cheer: you'll have to post a picture when it's done. :D
aww, sorry its not quite how u wanted it. bet ur still beautiful tho- biatch! lol only joking but seriously u are very pretty so im sure however it looks u pull it off :hug:

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