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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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I don't watch big brother....sorry. Check out my other posts and join in on the fun. :lol: :lol:
Used to be not interested in this one, it's all about tits and swearing, not that I don't have boobs or swear but it's just a bit overkill.
The last time I watched it was during the evictions and they let the new loonies into the secret garden. I can't believe that Kinga. What a nightmare she is! I seem to miss it for a few days but am quite able to catch up quickly as not too much happens. I watched it a few years ago and became obsessed. I couldn't miss an episode. I got to the stage where I was taping it then rushing home to watch it. (This was when Jade was in the house). I'm now trying not to let myself get sucked into it.

I do think it's a load of rubbish - yet still I watch it - What does that say about me I wonder? The words 'get a life' spring to mind. :?
How can you say BB is rubbish this year daddy? there have been arguements, 3 way snogs, naked pool parties, morning after pills, cross-dressers, gay crushes, shall i continue?

Its a classic :)
lou said:
How can you say BB is rubbish this year daddy? there have been arguements, 3 way snogs, naked pool parties, morning after pills, cross-dressers, gay crushes, shall i continue?

Its a classic :)

totally agree!!! its fab this year!
lou said:
How can you say BB is rubbish......., morning after pills, ......

When and who was this?!!! i've not been watching it everyday or even twice a week but I knew maxwell and some bird (Saskia?) were getting it on - was it them?! Finally! Some sex in the BB house :lol: Used to watch it religiously but had lost interest this year - this might coax me back :wink:
it was anotthny and macosi

she has really annoyed me tho, they had sex in teh pool 3 or 4 nights ago now, the next day they both claimed they didnt, even to each other?!

then 2 days after, macosi said in the loft to kermal and vannessa that she thinks she might be pregnant!!!

i mean come on, it was two days ago!, then she went in teh diray room and announced baby names and hair styles for it.

grrr, silly moo, i think shes planed this to try to get people to feel sorry for her, but to me, shes just a silly nieve girl if she thinks we are going to belive that.

poor anothnys family, she hasnt even thought of them?!!

lol sorry, i will shut up now
What an unlikely coupling! I couldn't imagine that of ever happeneing - think he just wanted leg over!! (Although admittedly I haven't watced it that closely and don't know if they were developing a relationship :? )

As for being PG - well if she can tell after 2 days - then maybe we should look to her for advice on being PG and symptoms (I am kidding!) :lol: Deary me, what a bunch of loonies they are!! HAHA

How bad would it be if the MAP failed though and she was PG :shock: Now there's a scary thought
i dont think its been said or shown whether she has taken it, kermal told her to ask big bro for it and take it, all mascosi said was, shall i tell anthony befgore i do, ad as far as i know, nothing more has been said, unless i have missed a bit
:shock: Silly girl what is she doing?! Does anthony know about this? Ooooh I'm well intergued now lol :lol:
i dont think he has a clue whats going on, unless she has told him today, but he will find out as soon as he gets out coz no doubt his family will question him.

i really liked macosi up till then, now i think shes very silly lol
yeah i thought she was alright especially after being picked on when coming intot he house - but now agree with you - she is very silly

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