New fb meme...not funny!


eeeekkkkk i done the status TBH ive had a mc at 4 months pg and I am currently TTC,

if im being honest i didnt take it offenssively at all and i never even considered the possible effects it may have on people :/

i done it cos im ttc and i wanted to see peoples reactions , and i did get funny replies

and i donated £20 to cancer in August so it's not that i'm afraid to donate or owt.

ooooh my reply sounded a lil cheeky there lol it wasnt supposed to be!

i was trying to say, i know its silly but cos im ttc i done it anyway not thinking of possibly offending someone

I think I definately reacted poorly to them two because something told me they were pratting and with it being so close to billie's due date I kind of took it as a personal offense.

Sorry if I sounded on a war path when I posted then just brought back some hard memories I thought I had control over.

I think its one of those things that people who either are TTC or for women who have lost children its just another kick in the teeth much like the adverts on the TV's advertising baby formula with the really cute babies rolling around. I don't think whoever came up with the idea would have intentionally meant to hurt people's feelings but I hardly see how it helps raise awareness for breast cancer?!

My sister in law posted it on her FB and the OH who doesnt use FB had been told by his boss that she had written it and was seriously wondering if she was actually pregnant so I had to explain to him before everything got all blown out of proportion!
Yeah I understand Hun, I think that's why I assumed ppl
Wouldn't be offended because I am ttc and have lost a baby so I really do wrongly assume everyone handles or deals with the situation :hug: xxx
its frustrating coz the bra thing was kind of funny tbh and no way saying what colour your bra is could upset anyone because TBH you just have to walk through any clothes shop or supermarket to see every colour going so dont get why people are shy on it.

Was just a bit of fun that year but this has definately upset people =[ whether by confusing or complicating situations or just bringing back bad memories.
I thought the bra thing was kinda cute - and when i got the message it had a link with a donate site on it, same witht the change ur profile to a cartoon character for child abuse - also came with a donate link.

But the random statuses that are going around just get annoying now!!

What also bugs me is the "person with cancer only has one get better" - my aunt is dying from breast cancer - after 10 years she-has been given 4-6moths to live and it upsets me everytime i see it. I dont need people telling me what to post!!

I think people have like bugger all else to do with their lives. I mean theres a lad on my facebook who found it funny to have a pregnancy countdown thing on his profile that automatically tells people 'how far along he is'.
Needless to say me and one of my exes and a close friend after some of the things we went through together and on our own bollocked him publically at the pub on saturday for being so heartless to some of his close friends.
I did it a few weeks ago, didn't even think It would offend anyone. I just thought it was funny at the time as in it would have all these daft folk I have on fb saying 'are you pregnant'

Oops, apart from Piglet I don't think I have anyone else on this thread on fb. So I'm sure I haven't offended anyone.

X x x x
I thought the bra thing was kinda cute - and when i got the message it had a link with a donate site on it, same witht the change ur profile to a cartoon character for child abuse - also came with a donate link.

But the random statuses that are going around just get annoying now!!

What also bugs me is the "person with cancer only has one get better" - my aunt is dying from breast cancer - after 10 years she-has been given 4-6moths to live and it upsets me everytime i see it. I dont need people telling me what to post!!


Omg I HATE those kind of statuses!!!!!! Sorry about your auntie :(
i think the first ones were funny if a lil silly, they have now devolved into just getting one over on the ppl who arent in the loop, a good few of my friends posted the so many weeks craving whatever one and i just commented on one of them saying how far along i was and what i was actually craving. ppl do silly things without even thinking on fb. i mean how many ppl have posted or know someone that posted about what they were having for dinner? its just the way fb is i think.
thats very true - guess we all either seen or done some very random things on fb.

I once posted that i was on the way to hospital with a broken hip - got some very emotive resposes - and my phone was going nuts - i kinda forgot to mention that i was in the ambulance with one of my ladies from the nursing home. ooops
I agree, everyone puts random things on fb at some point but I did find the latest one hard as the day I got home from the hospital after being told my baby had no heartbeat-there was a message in my inbox saying to put it on my facebook status and had to see it popping up from others, it was hard because I wanted to be writing it for real.
I'm all for raising awareness but I dont think it actually does xxx

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