never did i expect this


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well ive been gone for a while had a vius on my comp but bought a new one yay!

My dad called me today and if anyone has followed stuff about my mom she was addicted to crack and was an alcoholic but the last 3 ish months has been clean out of anyone my dad wanted nothing to do with her cuz of all hte pain she has caused but aparently he woke up from his sleep last night and decided to call her and he told her that we just lost a close friend due to her lifestyle and told her he doesnt want that to happen to her and paid for a bus ticket to come live down here ! will be staying with him and my sister im in shock... they broke up when i was 1 and now im finally gonna have my mom around and finally get to know her and she can meet her grand daughter.
I really hope this works out im still in shock so much has happened to me this past 2 weeks .

awwww hun i really hope all works out for you :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx

Well today is the day im almost nervous last time i seen her she was drunka nd on all her drugs , gonna prob be real emotional tonight let you know how it goes ..gonna be a long night she gets in at 9 pm.
aww hun i know how important getting to know ur mum has been to u so im soo happy for u

hope everything works out the way u want it ot

Thanks for your messages the bisit went very well , the next day we met at my dads and spend the day with her and my sis it was great , Kiara absolutly adores her its like theyve already known eachother.
I think hger being around us is gonna really change her , she told me that she is happy she is here and glad she can be with me during this pregnancy! Hope all stays well, so far so good :)

I thought ide post a pick of Kiara and my mom


I'm so pleased for you hun. I couldn't imagine how I would cope without my Mum, so can't even begin to comprehend how hard it's been for you.

Oh, and I've been offline for a while, and only just noticed your ticker!! Congratulations hun! :cheer: :hug:
ive just noticed your ticker, congratulations hun. hope you have a smooth pregnancy. xx
glad its all going well for you!!

but WOW do you look like your mum!
Thats great i hope it will all work out well for you, i couldnt imagine life without my mum.

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