Nesting Instinct!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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I think mine is really setting in these last few days! :D
although im so tired from lack of sleep with the itching from the OC me and OH have got so much done in the house! :cheer:
we have had the full house carpeted (barring our room which is currently our new junk room!)
i have decorated and touched up the paintwork in the kitchen,hall and bathroom and aim to get the majority of the nursery done next week.
i feel really proud of the house and how it looks and feel its a "home" now to bring LO home to! :cheer: :dance:
Aww well done you! I wish mine would kick in! lol It seems to have evaded me this pregnancy - I defo got it with my first pregnancy - and I really could do with it kicking in cus my house really needs a good clean!
when does it normally kick in if its going to???

My mam seems to think mine has, I wanna decorate but Lee wont let me lol. i am seeing things that need doing for wee man coming and want bedroom and sitting room done b4 he comes. Also i have had to start washing all his stuff ready but didnt know if i was nesting or not??
Mine never kicked in..........but hubby cleaned the house from top to bottom whilst I was in hospital :D

Couldnt have got through the last few days without him!!!
I didn't get it at all last time but I'm pretty sure I have it already this time! I'm driving Kev mad! :lol:
LOL! :rotfl:
i'm getting worse!
i had a mad "spring" clean today,did lots of little things that have needed doing for ages,and put my swing up and my pram together!
..... at this rate my house will sparkle in 3 weeks!! :rotfl: :D
want to come and nest at mine while you are at it!!

I keep looking at the list of things i need to do and finding excuses not to do any of it!

well im not sure if mines kicked in but ive just been ordered to sit down :lol: ive never stopped cleaning this house today :lol: and even used some of "how clean is your house tips" :lol:
:lol: Mines definately kicking in according to Gary, apparently im always cleaning,tidying, cooking or something when he gets home and appartently i dont sit still during tv programmes, im always finding something to do. I dont mind though because im gettin satisfaction about havinng a clean and tidy home :D
Mine didn't so much kick in as creep in slowly over time. I don't think our bedroom has ever been so clean. I'm thinking about getting an air purifier though cos I keep wondering about the air quality (humidity etc) in our room. Baby will be in with us and I just worry about their wee lungs.

I seem to have also developed a love of bleach.

Anyone else tempted to shampoo their carpets?
pickled_onion said:
Mine didn't so much kick in as creep in slowly over time. I don't think our bedroom has ever been so clean. I'm thinking about getting an air purifier though cos I keep wondering about the air quality (humidity etc) in our room. Baby will be in with us and I just worry about their wee lungs.

I seem to have also developed a love of bleach.

Anyone else tempted to shampoo their carpets?

do u know last night when I did finally sit down... well when I got ordered to sit down the house smelt lush of bleech, lovely and fresh and clean!! and it was lush getting into bed with nice clean bed sheets.. even the dogs bed got washed haha

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