Nervous about scan...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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I'm due my scan in the next couple of weeks and I'm really nervous that when I get there, I'm going to find no baby. I have seen all the recent story about some of our friends on this very forum who have very sadly had this horrible experience themselves and I'm trying to find out what the chance is of this happening. I know the whole point is that it is a 'missed misscarriage' but is there anything that could be an early sign of this or is it completely undetectable?

So far, the only conformation I have had of my pregnancy is my own tests and the only symptoms that I really have are exaustion, severe sickness and sore bbs which are darker and bigger than normal. I asked my midwife last week about this and all she said was "if you're this sick, you're definately pregnant" and I know that this isn't always the most reliable thing.

The daft thing is that so far it's all been textbook, no bleeding, cramps or pains anywhere andno reason for me to worry, but never the less, I'm petrified!

Does anyone have any advice that could help me and maybe many others thinking the same thing? Not just the good numbers but all the statistics and things. And I'm really sorry if this is a nasty subject for some.

Love to you all who have gone through this. XXXXXXXX
Hey hun x I totallu understand how you feel, and how scared you are. All I can say is, if you're still getting your symptoms strong and you feel the same you're probably ok xx Maybe you could take another wee test just to see that strong line and reassure yourself? xxx Hope it all goes well for you xxx
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I had a missed miscarriage 2 and a half years ago and I really really panicked before the scan this time I lay down on the bed and cried and cried x they told me instantly that there was a baby with a heartbeat there before doing anything else x I then cried and cried because everything was ok x x I'm sure everything is ok x I had no symptoms that indicated anything was wrong before the missed miscarriage scan x x it is horrific to go through but I'm sure your baby will be there and be fine darling x x big hugs x x
I was the same as you and desperately wanted to find out hard facts and %'s of missed miscarriages etc. I couldn't find the numbers anywhere.

I was panicking big time and spent hours trawling the internet trying to find out information.

I had my scan last week and all was good :)

I know it is really difficult having been there only last week, but hold onto the fact that you have had no bleeding, no cramping and text book pregnancy signs. These are positive things and are only to be looked at favourably. Try and keep your mind busy and stay positive otherwise the next 2 weeks will be hideous. I managed to ruin the last few days of my holiday in Egpyt by going on a mad panic.

Hope this helps :)
I posted a thread on here about the stats when I was in tri 1 - am online via my iPhone qt the moment so it'd take me ages to find it but feel free to look through my past posts to find it- I imagine I posted it in march and called it something like 'something to set your mind at ease'.

Hope it helps. xx
Shadow Wolf, these first 12 weeks plus are soo worrying, and we have had lots of ladies have terrible real storys on here which are only going to make you feel worse. I had never realised how common MC's were and I had never heard of missed miscaridge and yet on PF we have had a string of them it feels like.

I found facts that stated that 20-25 percent of all pregnancys end up in miscarrige and of those only 1 perc ent end up as missed miscaridges. The main reason is Chromozonal defects . Some ladies see a a dip in symptoms and some don't as the body doesn't realise and carrys on as it was.

On the otherhand to be fair , PF is only about ladies brought together by one topic - kids!
So any percentages you would find on Mc and missed miscarriage, will be blown up out of proportion by the sheer number of us passing through here producing babies! If we divided the number of MC's in a year on here, by the number of BFP's and x by 100 , you would get a pretty nornmal percentage I bet and much lower than we think.

I'm looking forward to seeing you lovely scan pictures very soon X
Thankyou so much guys for your encouraging words! I really do love this place so much. It doesn't help that I'm off work and on my own in the house all day every day because of this bloody sickness. I have nothing else to think about, lol. T the moment I'm sat on my sofa, throwing a tantrum because tea isn't ready and I'm hungry, go me and my hormoanes, hehe. I actually stamped my foot and threw my fists around, lol.

I will try to chill my mind out and keep busy. I hope this has set other ladies minds at rest too.


Just wanted to say I hope everything goes well for you, I'm sure you and baby will be fine. I've never been pregnant so I know this is probably easier said than done, but try not to worry until you know for sure xx Good luck hun xxx :hug:

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