neighbours grrrrrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Oh im so happy im moving at the end of this month we now live in a flat of 6 in a buliding it is a 3rd floor block we live on the top so we have 1 neighbour next us and the rest are below us, the problem is why cant people bloody well say hi does it really kill them to do so i always say hi to them and they look at me as if i have 10 heads ive had enough of it and ive now decided to stop saying it as im wasting my bloody breathe on them grrrrrrrrr it makes me so cross they look at u and dont speak.

sorry for the rant but it makes me so cross grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Some people are just like that :(

We live in a small cul de sac and our next door neighbours are very stuck up their own arses, we said hello every time we saw them and got a look back, when i had my baby she was straight over when we pulled up looking at Caitlyn (she was 30 weeks preg herself).

In the end i used to just say hello for a laugh because they are in their mid 30s and being childish and im 23 and trying to be nice with everyone.

When caitlyn was born, they didnt send a congratulations card, im desparate to send one just to show how civil we can be :evil: . OH wont let me though :rotfl:
My next door neighbour looks at the floor when he sees me. But to be honest, i can't speak to him. The last time he spoke to me he was shouting at me to sort the dividing fence out there and then. We had really bad wind and it blew down. We had to do a rush job getting it back up coz he'd be more peeved if my dogs weed on his plants!
But he's a dirty skank who has been in prison for raping his daughter from a young age. Took about 10 years to come out, did 3.5yrs on a 5 yr sentence, then moved back in with his wife!
If it wasn't for these house prices we'd have sold up and gone.
I suppose it depends on the neighbours. I've lived in places where I had no contact with neighbours and lived in others where I've had a curteous hello from them. Sometimes living in a larger town, people are more likely to want to remain anonymous. Where are you moving to? Within the same city?
Hi emeraldsroses yip still the same town but just about 5 mins away from where we r now we r moving to a house as we have had enough of living in a flat :) but the problem with the neighbours is they used to say hi all the time and i know for sure we havent done anythig to upset them but they just stopped saying hi and that annoys me.
Hows things with u? are u finishing work soon for the summer ?
Good you're moving into a house. Did you purchase the house or is it rented?

People can be funny sometimes. At times there is no reason to just stop talking to others. Perhaps they're not pleased with you all moving :rotfl: Who knows?

Yep, finishing off work for the summer. I've got two more weeks then I can relax until my two week holiday to Italy in August. I can't wait! In September I'll be starting at a new place :cheer: I'm rather excited.

What are your summer plans?
Emeraldsroses, :D well i dont think they know we r moving as we havent said :) its a bought house its really lovely and not much needs done apart from cleaning, painting and wall papering there is laminate flooring in the living room and kitchen, tiles in bathroom and wee toilet and the rest has nice carpet on which we r gonna keep down for a while as it looks ok,
Well our plans for the summer is pack up move to my b/f's parents for a week and a half get the key to the house 1st august then go in do what we need to do b4 our new bed comes and then move in :cheer: so hopefully all this is done in the 1st 2 weeks of aug as we have a 1 week holiday booked to Turkey on the 19 aug :D Im sure u will have a lovely time off and a great holiday mayb once our house is sorted out and holidays are all over we can arrange to meet up :D but ill b in touch b4 that.

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