Negative ovulation


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Hi everyone , i posted this in another section but got told to repost here for better advice.
Iv been ttc for 6 months after my misscarriage back in feb. My period have been abit messed up since, and i had 9 weeks between them recently so the gynocogist put me on northisterone to induce a period, which worked but i had an ovulation blood test which came back negative today i am in pieces cant stop crying . I doubt the northisterone has regulated me either so dont know what will happen now. All the docter said is to make and appointment an i imagine theyll refer me bak to the gyno which will meen months of waiting again . I guess im wondering if anyone know s what will happen to me or what treatments there are? Or similar experiences? thanks xxx
I am so sorry your body is taking its sweet time to get back to normal. If I were you, and this is my opinion only, I would continue with whatever the doctors suggest but would also start acupuncture. It has had good success rates with fertility issues. It is not a quick fix and could take up to 3 months to work, but I think there is a good chance it could sort you out xx
Thank u so much for ur reply i am going to look into that xxx

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