Negative on First Response


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score

Basically Im grasping at straws! I did a First repsonse on tuesday morning and it was negative, my period is due sat/sun (i vary between 28 and 29 days) so it would have been 5ish days before. Am i still in with a shout? :pray: :pray:
I dont ahve any more tests spare so will be waiting for the witch

I just really thought we had done it this month, had a really strong positive on opk and lots EMCM and ov pain, really strong etc... BD'd etc..
Yes babes, you could have tested too early. Fingers crossed for you :hug: :hug:
I can't remember the stats offhand but I think it's only 50-60% of women who get a positive on a first response 5 days early so yes I'd say you're still in with a chance :hug:
ooh ooh now im excited again! I thought you would all be saying give it up lady!

Keep away witchy poo! I know its halloween soon, so im hoping she will be too busy to come and see me!
Hi bizzygirl :wave:
IMO always best to wait until AF is due (or day before if you're like me :fib: ) that's a lie.... I have done them too early in the past and all it does is dissapoint, unless you are lucky enougth to be one of those in the 50% bracket who it works for. Remember, it's not over till the witch strickes! Good luck honey :hug:
Bizzygirl, dont give up yet!!!!!!!

When I conceived, I did a test on the monday morning with a first response and it was negative. I was due my period on the thursday and I so thought I was out. Then I did another test on the Thursday just for the hell of it...and I got my BFP, the day my period was due. So yes 5 days before is still mega early!

I hope you have done it this month :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am putting up charms to scare away the witch for you - good luck!
Testing early for me never worked. I never showed up untill my due date, so fingers and toes are crossed for you hun x :pray:

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