Need some help regarding Movicol please (tmi)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2009
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Dec has been taking Movicol now for almost a week, he has to have it 3 times a day but the problem is I think this is to much for him. His bowels have becomes extremly loose :( and the worring thing is he doesnt seem to be aware of needing to go, it doesnt happen all the time but he has already had 2 accidents within the week (he has been potty trained for over 8 months now and he has never had a poop accident). He was in the shower this moring and he passed wind, when he stood up he has pooped, he didnt even know he had done it, poor little man, when he saw it he started crying and said "mummy me not need to poo" :(

My question is, is this normal with Movicol and if so how long does it last ??

Thanks in advance. xx
it can be as it is quite harsh, I would take it down to 2 sachets or 2 1/2 and see how you get on, it may be worth seeing your GP again as a stool softner may be easier on you both, Movicol is a bit like senna but harsher
I would cut it down too, my little one had sort of the same problem when she was on 2 a day, i cut it back down to 1 and a half, get your gp to refer you to the pediatric's at the hospital, i found them more useful than my gp!
They do say its safe to have up to 4 a day but i cant ever see a child needing that many... i would cut your little one down to 2 a day for a week and see how it goes. Hope it gets better!
Poor little thing! Movicol is pretty extreme isnt it? How come the doc prescribed that for him? :hug: for LO xx
my girls been on it for years we only use that much when she is really compacted once she is really loose i cut her down to one sachet a day to keep things moving if she was still loose id go half a sachet imo 3 a day sounds way to much if he is going

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