Need help with what id be entitled to


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2005
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If i was working 16 hours a week and getting paid £68 a week, what benefits would i be entitled to for me and my OH? My OH currently doesnt work.

Is it even worth going for the job?
i dunno hun im a single mum work 16 hours a week and get £500 a month in workin and child tax credits
I worked 16 hrs & have no children, no other income (even partner at time) had rent & council tax to pay an was entitled to no working tax credits!!

Based on your earning you may get help with your housing costs but its minimum & they leave you with what the law says you can live on! I did get this but it took 6 weeks to come through!

So if rent is £300 mnth an you earn £400 & the state says you can live on £50 a week they will pay £100 housing because your wages covers the amount they say you can live on & £200 of your rent. Council tax I don't think they actually helped with that even after they worked out the above!


I got my hours bumped to 30 hrs & I am entitled to working tax credit ~ £40 odd quid a week :? But no housing help!
Looks like ill not bother then. Im better off on jobseekers!
OMG!!! Thats just not right. :shock:
not going to say anymore
It isnt right, what a crappy system.
Im gonna look into getitng some training instead.
Do you have to work part time AG? How about a full time job?
i can work full time but havent found anything suitable. The job i found would have been perfect but it was only advertised as 16 hours.
Sounds like you would be better off turning that one down and waiting until a suitable full time job came up. That way, you dont have to worry about any of the benefits.

Good luck and keep trying!
Ive been signing on now for 6 months so ill be entitled to get some training, im going to look into whats avaliable and possibly do training.
New college year starts in september hun, go see what courses are available and do as many as you can manage as theyre free :) Best thing I ever did was go college whilst on income support
I cant do college on jobseekers, it has to be training through the jobcentre.
When did they change that? You can still get money for attending college though cant you surely?
I was in college this year but ahd to sign on in February as a joint claim when my partner stopped getting income support.
They started messing up our claim becuase i was still attending and wanted to exempt me from signing on but couldnt tell me what id be entitled to to live on. It was almost the end of teh year anyways so i finished early.

Right now i only really want to look for a short term course, not something thats a year or longer.
ive jsut found a vacancy for a trainee camera technitian which is full time (35 hours) so im gonna go for that job, wish me luck.

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