Hi piglet, I'm not an expert as I'm quite new to all this myself.
Ur most fertile days are the days leading up to when u ovulate, I think its bout 4 days up to but someone orrect me if I'm wrong.
Are u plannin on using opk's to help u find out when in ur cycle u ovulate? U can get these cheap off ebay, 50 for 8quid I think, I've seen this somewhere on forum but I've bought mine from boots, a lot more expensive...16 quid for 7 stinks.
It will be my first time using these, I'm startin testing today. My AF started on sat I think but only had show in morning both sat and sun, so I might be on cycle day 4 now now, the kits say to try from cycle day 10 but I'm starting early case I miss mine, only recently off the pill soo don't know what my cycles like atm.
Hope this info helped.
Oh u can also get an ovulation app for ur phone, u but ur AF dates in and it shows u ur most likely furtile days, its quite useful to have it at a galnce