Need help re ovulating


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
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im confused, i take it ur fertile period is BEFORE u ovulate? so when wud i get positive opks :/ xxx
Hi piglet, I'm not an expert as I'm quite new to all this myself.

Ur most fertile days are the days leading up to when u ovulate, I think its bout 4 days up to but someone orrect me if I'm wrong.

Are u plannin on using opk's to help u find out when in ur cycle u ovulate? U can get these cheap off ebay, 50 for 8quid I think, I've seen this somewhere on forum but I've bought mine from boots, a lot more expensive...16 quid for 7 stinks.

It will be my first time using these, I'm startin testing today. My AF started on sat I think but only had show in morning both sat and sun, so I might be on cycle day 4 now now, the kits say to try from cycle day 10 but I'm starting early case I miss mine, only recently off the pill soo don't know what my cycles like atm.

Hope this info helped.

Oh u can also get an ovulation app for ur phone, u but ur AF dates in and it shows u ur most likely furtile days, its quite useful to have it at a galnce :)
Yep, its something like 4 days before and 24hrs after you Ov.

I never bothered with Ov tests after the 1st month when they didnt work. We :bd: every other day :)

thanks chick we been smoochzing every day cos im too thick and lazy to work it all out :rofl: easier just to bang him!

ALTHO last night in midst of it all he said "your not even bothered, u just wanna get preg?!" :rofl: i nearly peed, and i cudnt even deny it cos midst of it all i literally started LOL! lol xxx
Awww thanks, I'm not sure bought buying off ebay tho, my sis's are forever logging in ordering this and that lol soooo can't without them seeing and me and bf have agreed not to tell anyone coz if u start telling siblings, u'll have to tell parents and then next thing the whole family knows lol.

Might look online for other cheaper sites maybe? Or I cud always set up ebay account in bf name, maybe ill do that vcoz it will cost me a bomb otherwise.
tbh chick that site doesnt leave feedback and its all anonymous and u dont leave them feedback either unless u want to :) xxx
I take it that you are the most fertile when you Ov (when the egg is released and ready to meet the sperm) which you do approx 24h per month. The mucus released prior to Ov is sperm friendly so sperms can survive and wait around for the egg. Quite soon after Ov the mucus turns more acid again meaning that pH is too low for sperms to thrive. Therefore it is recommended to BD just before and during OV.

4 days prior to OV sounds along time to me. Is this really the case?
i think sperm lasts 3 days or up to 3 days sandy so im sure its just so u dont miss catching :) thanks everyone im a little enlightened! xx
Piglet click your siggie :)
It gives a more in depth explanation x
This month I've been BDing 2 days before Ov and then Oh went abroad. I'm praying it's a catch, but I seriously think it's unusual for sperms to live that long. It's something one was taught in school as an extreme caution not to fall pregnant. Also, I read that sperms don't survive long at all in the vagina - it's only in the tubes they can survive for "a week".

Charliebear, you just got a bfp (congrats) when did you BD and when do you think you conceived?
We'e been BD every other day :) I had no Ov signs, having irregular cycles we felt this was the way to go. x
U can also get cheap opks and pregnancy tests on amazon, that where I have bought mine from xx
I believe it's rare for 4 days before ovulation to count but it still can (think DW1978 now in Tri-3 may be one of those lucky ones!)

From a detailed research study I found on the internet, the "best"/most likely time is 2 days before ov and day of ovulation (a 3-day window).

You would get +ve OPKs 12 to 36 hours before you ovulate (generally, assuming no other conditions like PCOS etc) so that's a great indicator to get baby-dancing :)

DAMN! ive had no opks :/

altho ive still :bd: anyway lol thanks chick xx
I think you get a positive opk 24-36 hrs before ov so you should bd when you get a positive opk x
well ive been bding anyway so shud b ok! i REALLY want a bfp! x

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