need all answers quickly please


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
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Sorry if this sounds a bit random
Am studying for my nursery nurse diploma and my assignment that i am doing is tracking growth and development from conception to birth for a new mum to be. I was wondering if you could tell me when is a woman is supposed to test for pregnancy. i thouight it was just after a missed period but if anyone knows exactly when that would really help and any info on the three trimesters and labour would be a great help. I have had my own child but it was 8 years ago and it is all a blur. My assignment is due in tomorrow (me thinks i left it a bit late) i thought it would be easier than it has been.
I really appreciate any help you can give me
Thankyou all

PAm x
Pregnancy tests are so sensitive now - they can detect hormone levels a few days before your period is even due! I'm sorry - I don't know the exact levels involved or how many days though - I got a weak positive about 2 days before I was due but I'm sure others have been even earlier than that.

Good luck - hope you get your assignment done in time

Ideally it's recommended you test after your missed period.

i.e. a cycle of 28 days then test on day 29.

I tested on day 27 of what I believe would have been around a 30 day cycle and got a BFP with a Clearblue.

Some tests say you can get a result up to 4 days before you period is due but I think it depends on the individual etc.

Sorry I'm only 19 weeks and so still working on the trimesters :wink:

A bit about labour - it has 3 stages: -

Stage 1 is having contractions dilating to approximately 10 cms required for baby's head to fit through
Stage 2 is pushing baby out
Stage 3 is delivery of the placenta

Don't know average times but I'm sure google could help you out there. Stage 1 can go on for hours and hours, and there's almost an unofficial Stage 0 that nobody tells you about (the time going from roughly 0-3 cm where you can suffer painful contractions but not actually be in 'established labour' - this can go on for days!)

Stage 2 - I think midwives try and get baby out in an hour or so, but will let it go for longer as long as baby isn't distressed

Stage 3 can take as little as 10 minutes if an injection is given to speed it up. If done naturally I think it can take 1-2 hours, but you'd better check this as this is all from memory and my memory sucks!

Thankyou for your quick replies
I have books and leaflets all over the floor trying to find all the info i need and then came across my assignment sheet which has got in big red letter "no quotes or plagerism own info own words"
and celeb big bro is on and am trying mot to get distracted.
Thanks again

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