Need advice

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Jun 2, 2005
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I'm 22 years old and found out I was pregnant a few days ago (very early, about 5 weeks).
Just wondering if anyone was about, could do with a chat :(
I'll take it from the way you are this was not a planned pregnancy ?? . My first child was not planned and i was only 19 . Once we had got used to idea we where both very happy.

We now have two boys and have another 1 on the way. I am only 24. Listen if u need a chat am always here, i know how stressfull it can b , but it should b a hapy time to .

Hope it alls goes ok, u need to get check in wiv the doc ( well i did at 5 wks ) . You also need to start thinking bout what u eat etc , and start taking folic acid .

Take care kelly :)
Well, no it wasn't planned (i've been on the pill for years).
I've been to the doctor i'm just a bit down because my partner and I have just broken up and he's not overjoyed about it (in fact he's as far from happy as anyone could be!)
Hopefully he'll come around

Congratulations about your boys and pregnancy :D
Hiya V

If you ever want any advice from a midwifery point of view dont be afraid to ask me. i look on this site on average every other day so will try to answer and questions as soon as able (work permitting).

Your GP will want to see you in the coming weeks so that he can get you on his/her books and should arrange for you to see your midwife at about 9-12 weeks.

Good advice from Kelly...take folic acid if you arn't already and pay attention to your diet...try not to eat anything unpasturised, no liver, or deep sea fish such as mackeral/shark/limit your intake of tuna (as mercury and cadmium can be found in these). And of course don't drink or smoke during pregnancy.

I think very often partners find the initial shock hard to handle and do tend to come round. I don't know what sort of relationship you have with your partner, or what his personality is like, but do ask the women on this forum as many have been through exactly the same thing as you are right now. :D

Goo Luck with everything, and look forward to chatting with you some more :D

Thank you.

I'm hoping it was just initial shock (especially as we only broke up 2 weeks ago after a serious relationship).
I do actually smoke and I'm finding it hard at the moment (i've not had one since I found out but I'm craving it very badly).

Hiya V

Talk to your GP sooner than later because he would be able to help you with the whole giving up smoking thing...if you feel you want to go down that route...also there are surestart midwives who specialise in giving up smoking during pregnancy. I'm not the sort of victim blaming midwife who stresses that you must do this, and you must do that, but there are obviously facts that you should be aware of such as smoking can harm your baby.

I know it is extremely difficult to give up any sort of addiction..but I wish you the best of luck :D


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