Hi, i'm new


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
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Hi all, i'm new to this, i am currently about 5 weeks 4 days pregnant :o , this is my second child i am expecting, my son is now 3 years and 9 months, gorgeous boy, very nervous about being pregnant as didn't like it at all last time :oops: , hopefully this time will be different, be good to chat to other expectant mums all in the same boat!!

Chat soon

p.s still haven't had appointment for midwife does anyone know when this will happen?
hi welcome to the forum.
have u been the docs yet?
usualy before u get ya midwife appointment u go the doctors so they can get u to do one of there preg tests then a few days later when they get your results they book u in to see midwife
when i was preg first time i went docs straight away seen the midwife at 6weeks but with this pregnanc i didnt bother going to docs till 12weeks
Hi, Yep phoned doctors and the receptionist was rubbish, i don't think she really new what she was talking about, said she would pass my info on to midwife and she'll call at some point! With my son they had me in almost straight away and did all the blood test etc, so i was probably expecting it to be the same, if not heard will call in a few weeks, i've done 3 tests now :roll: and they all say positive and i feel like a wreck, really tired and my waist has expanded straight away, i'm only a size 10 normally, so i think its pretty conclusive, yep i'm pregnant!!!!
i no its sop anoying i went to the docs at 12weeks preg with a right lil bump on me and i despo wanted my first midwife appointment as i was due my 12weeks scan but the doc wouldnt refer me to the midwife untill he had done his test and took 5days for a result?? :think: :think:

just book an appointment with your doctor...
if i listend to the dopey receptionist at my sergury ild still be waiting now for a midwife appointment lol :wall:
Thanks for the advice, i think i'll do that :) , just for peace of mind, take care and good luck to you :D
hi and welcome to the forum congratulations hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy xxx
Hi Sueh

Congratulations on your pregnancy :D !!

I am in the same boat as you still waiting to hear from the midwife and i am 9 weeks!!. I went to the doctors at 6 weeks and filled out some forms and was told that the midwife would contact me but still nothing :(

With my last 2 children i was booked in at 6 weeks,i guess they are a bit more relaxed about things now cause i don't think you get to see them as much anymore !!

Good luck with everything xx
Hi and welcome to the forum!

With my 1st daughter i had my booking in quite early too! With this pregnancy i found out about 5 weeks had it confirmed by a doctors test! I had a quick appointment at 6 weeks then had my booking in at 10 weeks!

Like nikki said they dont see you a lot now! All doctors are different tho!

Hope you have a healthy 9 months

Hi Sue,

Congratulations on your pregnancy - how are you feeling? I am just over 7 weeks pregnant now, and have just had my first scan confirmed for 4th May (which seems like forever) I haven't heard anything from the midwife and just assumed it all happend after the first scan :?
Hi! Im new here too!


I'm 10 weeks and 6 days, i had my booking in appointment at 8 weeks and have my first scan on the 12th April. Have you been to your clinic and registered with the midwife?
Hi and welcome to the forum and congrats.

I had my booking in appointment when I was 8 weeks pregnant, then saw my midwife at 12 weeks. I did ring up to see the doc at 4 weeks but my surgery told me they didn't need to see me until at least 8 weeks. I htink everywhere's different.

Nicki.x :D
Hi everyone

Thanks for all your response :) , everyone is really friendly and helpful, i am feeling okay, certain times of the day i feel a bit ropey :( just usually have to eat, after reading everyones response i think i'll leave it a couple of weeks and then get back in contact with docs, it is early days after all, just don't quite believe it :o

Thanks everyone its nice to chat to people in same situation rather than read the text books!!


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