Need a song with a meaning to it


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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I want to find a song that has meaning to it. Maybe talking about a mother and daughter and saying all the wrong things shes done and wishes she could turn back time. Or a song about how much a girl misses her mum or something along those lines.
Iv got the song aqua - turn back time as one but theres hardly any meaningful versus in it.
Anyone no any good songs?
To be honest this probably wont help you greatly :? as it is an Islamic song so it mentions our Prophet...but it's a lot more sensible than Aqua :lol:
I don't know what you want it for but there are several versions of this one. I've copied the translations over. The first is in Arabic and the second is in Turkish. So if you don't mind listening to it in the background and just knowing what it means then it might be of some use to you....maybe...?? :?
I just wanted to reply for you :D :hug:

Mother - by Sami Yusuf (readily available to d/l on limewire etc)

Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But I never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me

Now I’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years I caused you pain
If only I could sleep in your arms again
Mother I’m lost without you

You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only I knew what I know today
Mother I’m lost without you

Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi
wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi
Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka
Qawlu rasulika
Fi qalbi, fi hulumi
Anti ma’i ya ummi

Mother... Mother... O my mother
How I long to see O mother
“Your mother, Your mother, Your mother”
Is the saying of your Prophet
In my heart, in my dreams
You are always with me mother

Ruhti wa taraktini
Ya nura ‘aynayya
Ya unsa layli
Ruhti wa taraktini
Man siwaki yahdhununi
Man siwaki yasturuni
Man siwaki yahrusuni
‘Afwaki ummi

You went and left me
O light of my eyes
O comfort of my nights
You went and left me
Who, other than you, will embrace me?
Who, other than you, will cover me?
Who, other than you, will guard over me?
Your pardon mother, forgive me

Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But I never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me

Now I’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years I caused you pain
If only I could sleep in your arms again
Mother I’m lost without you

You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only I knew what I know today
Mother I’m lost without you

Ben derdimi kime söyleyeyim
Sensiz ana
Senin kadrini hic bilemedim ben
Aziz ana

Resul buyurdu;
Cennet analarin ayaklari altinda
Senin hayalin aklimda,
ruhumda, ruyalarimda

Sen gittiginde canim gitti,
Ayrilik bir yaman dertti,
Dunya bana cefa etti,
Benim aziz anam

Aglarim ben bulut gibi,
Dilimdesin sarki gibi,
Gunahlarim derin derin
Hakkini helal et ana

To whom will I tell my sorrow
in your absence, mother?
I didn’t know your real value, my beloved mother

The Messenger (pbuh) said
“Paradise is under the mothers’ feet”
Your image is in my heart, my soul, and my dreams

When you left, my soul left
Our separation was painful
The world gave me pain
and sorrow my beloved mother

I cry like a cloud
You are like a song on my tongue
I’ve wronged you countless times
Forgive me mother

General info
[Mothers are held in high esteem in Islam because of the amount of physical and emotional hardship and pain they go through giving birth to and then raising children. It is therefore said that paradise lies at the feet of your mother. One of the ways to enter paradise is when you/she dies (whoever first) then you have treated her well and she is pleased with you.

There is also a saying from Our Prophet. When someone asked him who desired his love the most, he replied "your mother". The man then continued to ask "and then who...?" The Prophet said "your mother" three times and then on the forth time he said "your father" :D Meaning your mother is three times more desirving of your love than anyone else.]
Erm..... :think:

Spice girls Mama? :oops:

She used to be my only enemy and never let me be free
Catching me in places that I knew I should'nt be
Every other day I crossed the line I didn't mean to be so bad
I never thought you would become the friend I never had
Back then I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes
All that you did was love
Mama I love you.Mama I care
Mama I love you . Mama my friend. You're my friend
I didn't want to hear it then but I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I had a lot of to think about,about the way I usedto be
Never had a sense of my responsibility
Back then I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes, all that you did was love
Mama, I love you. Mama, I care
Mama, I love you. Mama ,my friend. You're my friend
But now I'm sure I know why,
Why you were misunderstood
So now I see through your eyes
All I can give you is love is love
Mama I love you. Mama, I care
Mama, I love you. Mama, my friend,You're my friend
Mama, I love you, Mama ,I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend, You're my friend

Or 2Pac Dear Mama (maybe a bit unrealistic :rotfl: )

You are appreciated...

When I was young, me and my mama had beef
17 years old kicked out on tha streets
though back in tha time, I never thought I'd see her face
ain't a woman alive that can take my momma's place
suspended from school, scared ta go home
I was a fool with tha big boys breaking all tha rules
shed tears with my baby sister
over tha years we wuz poorer than tha other little kids
and even though we had different daddies
tha same drama when things went wrong we blamed mama
I reminised on tha stress I caused, it wuz hell
hugg'en on my mama from a jail cell
and who'ed think in elementary, heeeey i'd see tha penitentiary
One day
running from tha Police, that's right
Momma catch me--put a whoop'en to my backside
and even as a crack fiend mama,
ya always was a black queen mama
I finally understand for a woman
it ain't easy--trying ta raise a man
ya always wuz commited, a poor single mother on welfare,
tell me how ya did it
there's no way I can pay ya back
but tha plan is ta show ya that I understand.
you are appreciated......

Laaaaady, don't cha know we luv ya
Sweeeet Laaaady, place no one above ya
Sweeeet Laaaady, don't cha know we luv ya

Ain't nobody tell us it wuz fair
no luv for my daddy, cause tha coward wuzn't there
he passed away and I didn't cry
cause my anger, wouldn't let me feel for a stranger
they say i'm wrong and i'm heartless
but all along I wuz looking for a father--he wuz gone
I hung around with tha thug's and even though they sold drugs
they showed a young brother luv
I moved out and started really hang'in
I needed money of my own so I started slang'in
I ain't guilty cause, even though I sell rocks
It feels good, putting money in your mailbox
I love paying rent when tha rents due
I hope ya got tha diamond necklace that I sent to you
cause when I wuz low, you was there for me
ya never left me alone, cause ya cared for me
and I can see ya coming home after work late
ya in tha kitchen trying ta fix us a hot plate
just working with tha scraps you wuz given
and mama made miracles every Thanksgiving
but now tha road got rough, your alone
trying ta raise two bad kids on your own
and there's no way I can pay ya back
but my plan is ta show ya that I understand
you are appreciated.....

Laaaaady, don't cha know we luv ya
Sweeeet Laaaady, place no one above ya
Sweeeet Laaaady, don't cha know we luv ya

pour out some liquor and I remenise
cause through tha drama, I can always depend on my mama
and when it seems that i'm hopeless
you say tha words that can get me back in focus
when I wuz sick as a little kid
ta keep me happy theres no limit to tha things ya did
and all my childhood memories
are full of all tha sweet things ya did for me
and even though I act craaaazy
I got ta thank tha Lord that ya maaaade me
There are no words that can express how I feel
Ya never kept a secret, always stayed real
and I appreciate how ya raised me
and all tha extra love that ya gave me
I wish I could take tha pain away
If you can make it through tha night, there's a brighter day
everything'll be alright if ya hold on
it's a struggle
everyday gotta roll on
and there's no way I can pay ya back
but my plan is ta show ya that I understand
you are appreciated.......

Laaaaady, don't cha know we luv ya
Sweeeet Laaaady, place no one above ya
Sweeeet Laaaady, don't cha know we luv ya, Sweeeet Laaaady

Wind beneath my wings is lovely, but not about a mum a daughter I don't think??? :think:

Spice Girls is the only one i can think of :)
This is a country and western song so dunno if it would be what you're looking for?

In My daughter eyes - Martine McBride

In my daughter's eyes, I am a hero.
I am strong an' wise,
And I know no fear.
But the truth is plain to see:
She was sent to rescue me,
I see who I wanna be, in my daughter's eyes.

In my daughter's eyes, everyone is equal,
Darkness turns to light,
And the world is at peace.
This miracle God gave to me,
Gives me strength when I am weak.
I find reason to believe, in my daughter's eyes.

An' when she wraps her hand around my finger,
Oh, it puts a smile in my heart.
Everything becomes a little clearer.
I realise what life is all about.
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough;
It's givin' more when you feel like givin' up.
I've seen the light: it's in my daughter's eyes.

In my daughter's eyes, I can see the future.
A reflection of who I am,
An' what will be.
An' though she'll grow an', some day, leave:
Maybe raise a family,
When I'm gone, I hope you'll see,
How happy she made me,
For I'll be there, in my daughter's eyes.

If I could - Barbara Streisand

If I could
I'd protect you from the sadness in your eyes
Give you courage in a world of compromise
Yes, I would
If I could
I would teach you all the things I've never learned
And I'd help you cross the bridges that I've burned
Yes, I would
If I could
I would try to shield your innocence from time
But the part of life I gave you isn't mine
I've watched you grow
So I could let you go
If I could
I would help you make it through the hungry years
But I know that I can never cry your tears
But I would
If I could
If I live
In a time and place where you don't want to be
You don't have to walk along this road with me
My yesterday
Won't have to be your way
If I knew
I'd have tried to change the world I brought to you to
And there isn't very much that I can do
But I would
If I could
If I could
I would try to shield your innocence from time
But the part of life I gave you isn't mine
I've watched you grow
So I could let you go
If I could
I would help you make it through the hungry years
But I know that I can never cry your tears
But I would
If I could
Yes I would
Yes I would
If I could
I know it's actually too late, but nevermind...

Gillian by The Waifs
Oh Gillian, you’re up with the sun
You’ve done a hundred things before half past nine
By the time most folk are up and gone
You’ll be starting on one hundred and one

There’s not enough hours in a day
To do all the things she’s just got to do
When the daylight fades and the night invades
She’s only just begun

Weary as you lay at night waiting for the sun
Planning out tomorrow now before this day is done
‘Gillian you work too hard’
But don’t you try to slow her down – she’ll tell you
‘Idleness is good for none work's how I get my fun
Idleness is good for none work's how I get things done’

Gillian you’re the one you’re the one
Shining in my life, you’re my eternal sun
I’m trying to thank you now for what I’ve become
But I’ve only just begun

Your influence has been profound and I’m proud to be your son
Your blood is my blood we are forever bound
You’re the inspiration to the way I live my life
I’m singing,
Gillian if you weren’t my mother I would make you my wife
Gillian if you weren’t my mother I’d make you my wife
Gillian if you weren’t my mother I’d make you my wife
Gillian if you weren’t my mother I would make you my wife


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