need a plan and don't know which to follow!


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2011
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:wave:Well i've just come on with AF :wall2:after a very hopeful cycle of SMEP... not sure if i should carry on charting and testing and planning or...should i ditch the plan and just bed whenever? can't say that has worked before either awww so confussed!! Maybe i should give SMEP benefit of the doubt and try it again? what would you girlies do? :) xx
I find with SMEP at least it gives you something to focus on through the month rather than it just being a waiting game. It's not always possible to stick with it, or body does funny thing with ov kits etc so can be confusing but least gives some entertainment. However if its stressing you out, you might be better to go back to Fx method!

Sorry she got you....
Thanks, your right and I did feel better and to tell the truth it did work well for us! It also went really quick was just the last days of 2ww that got to me as I was so positive this month... The opks did not work this time so I'm not gunna get the cheapies again... Really stressed me trying to tell if it was positive or not... However the brands are expensive aren't they? How many do u get in a pack and do asda or tesco do their own brands? Sorry for te 101 questions, thought I had it sussed obviously not! Thanks hun x
Apparantly even if you do everything right there is still only a 25% chance of BFP each month! Sucky odds really.

Re: OPKs, i think the cheapest place to look is amazon or ebay if you want a monitor. The sticks for CBFM are about 7 quid for 20 on amazon. It might be worth asking friends about borrowing a monitor, one of my ttc friends has offered me hers to try but I can spot my surge quite easily on the cheapies so don't mind using these.

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