Need a name for my new kittens *Names decided*

Flame said:
Names have now been decided!! :D

The boy is going to be called Theron
The little girl is going to be called Kyra (pronounced Keira) as my oh really wouldnt have anything else.

Thank you for all your suggestions :D

Therons cool, never heard that before!!
Oh gorgeous kittens and great names.

We looked at getting bengals 8 years ago when our much loved burmese died :( They sounded amazing - the ones we went to see liked to get in the bath when it was full of water!!! Ended up getting 2 ragdolls in the end as they were much easier housecats and we lived on a very busy main road......

Jane x
reallyoldmum said:
Oh gorgeous kittens and great names.

We looked at getting bengals 8 years ago when our much loved burmese died :( They sounded amazing - the ones we went to see liked to get in the bath when it was full of water!!! Ended up getting 2 ragdolls in the end as they were much easier housecats and we lived on a very busy main road......

Jane x

oooh we love raggies!! :cheer:

we're hoping to start breeding our own in the next few years, we're in the process of getting registered just now, sooo exciting :D xx
:D Our two have converted so many people to ragdolls - they are just the best cats :D They are the most gentle cats I have ever known - we lost one when he was 6 :( when he died it broke my heart, but the other is like a gentle giant.... he loves to roll over and have his tummy tickled like a dog :D I'm hoping he will be OK when the baby comes as he has been our baby for so long........ I dont in anyway think he would hurt him but he does like to cuddle up to anything warm so I need to buy a catnet I think.....

Jane x
reallyoldmum said:
:D Our two have converted so many people to ragdolls - they are just the best cats :D They are the most gentle cats I have ever known - we lost one when he was 6 :( when he died it broke my heart, but the other is like a gentle giant.... he loves to roll over and have his tummy tickled like a dog :D I'm hoping he will be OK when the baby comes as he has been our baby for so long........ I dont in anyway think he would hurt him but he does like to cuddle up to anything warm so I need to buy a catnet I think.....

Jane x

our 2, (no raggies at the moment,) are fine with aiden, i bought a cat net too, but used it once :lol: don't stress yourself about it :hug: xx
Aww i love Ragdolls and thought about getting one of those before i got our first Bengal but i think it would just be to much fur for me.
Flame their fur is amazing - more like a pelt than fur really - as long as you make sure they drink lots of water and eat a good diet we only have to brush them once a week - Biffa (the one we have left) loves being brushed - he actually rolls over for you and lifts his head to meet the brush :D Its his Sunday night treat :D He looses less fur than our moggie too!! The birds love it in the spring - you can see nests with a lining of Biff fur all around our estate :-)

Do you already have begals then? Is it true that they like water? We were also told that you have to provide them with things to climb up? The lady we went to see had half a tree in her front room :-) My DH is very keen to get one when the baby is a bit older - we have now moved to a very quiet estate and even our ragdoll goes out in the back garden here.....

Jane x
reallyoldmum said:
Do you already have begals then? Is it true that they like water? We were also told that you have to provide them with things to climb up? The lady we went to see had half a tree in her front room :-) My DH is very keen to get one when the baby is a bit older - we have now moved to a very quiet estate and even our ragdoll goes out in the back garden here.....

Jane x

We have had two other Bengals but dont have any at the moment until saturday when we fetch the babies. Our previous one died and another we had had to go back to the breeder as she was born with a heart defect.

Bengals LOVE water, they try to climb in the bath with you, sit playing with water from a tap and anything where there is water they will be. Things to climb is a very needed thing, my previous bengal (the one that died) uses to climb the banister up the stairs, its given it a bit of a rustic look now lol, she also used to climb up us, unfortunately i wasnt always wearing thick trousers :? We need to get a climbing tree for the kittens still but cant afford to do that till after christmas now so the curtains, banisters, furniture and us will have to do for now lol.

They are a joy to have as nuts as they are, once you have had one you will get more :D
aramintalovegrove said:
We called my mums cat Dave :rotfl: whats even funnier is she is a girl.

We called our cat in uni Dave & she was a girl too!

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