Need a good moan! *UPDATE - Been Physio*

UPDATE - Been to physio today and been examined and they have given me some crutches to help me get about, Im quite suprised at how much they help & take the weight of my hips/pelvis although I feel like a right prat... big fat preggy lady wobbling around on crutches, what a bloody picture :lol:
oh i'd love to see u hehe
hope it works :)
Awwww!!! But at least they help, you'll be whizzing round on 'em like a pro in no time atall :D
hope the crutches make the last few weeks easier :hug:
lisa&alex said:
[quote="happy_chick":3ve88xm4] what a bloody picture :lol: [/b]

can u take one so i can have a giggle?[/quote:3ve88xm4]

The words P*SS and OFF spring to mind :rotfl:
DebbieM said:
My Physio appt is tomorrow.. :shock:

Ive been going physio since about 20 weeks & its got alot worse in the past few weeks, I can bearly walk thats why I have the crutches... dont worry too much its a last resort chick & they will try everything they can b4 giving u crutches :)
happy_chick said:
[quote="lisa&alex":228y3gqg][quote="happy_chick":228y3gqg] what a bloody picture :lol: [/b]

can u take one so i can have a giggle?[/quote:228y3gqg]

The words P*SS and OFF spring to mind :rotfl:[/quote:228y3gqg] spoil sport
happy_chick said:
[quote="lisa&alex":30xefbl3][quote="happy_chick":30xefbl3] what a bloody picture :lol: [/b]

can u take one so i can have a giggle?[/quote:30xefbl3]

The words P*SS and OFF spring to mind :rotfl:[/quote:30xefbl3]

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hmmm you could try a chiropractor trained in maternal medicine... I've been going to one, and although my SPD is now starting to make it difficult it's been quite good until now... For me there's pain... but its more the stiffness that I'm having difficulty with..

Don't think I could do crutches though... I'd be too embarrassed.. :oops:
happy_chick said:
DebbieM said:
My Physio appt is tomorrow.. :shock:

Ive been going physio since about 20 weeks & its got alot worse in the past few weeks, I can bearly walk thats why I have the crutches... dont worry too much its a last resort chick & they will try everything they can b4 giving u crutches :)

Oh I know, my sis ended up on then at Xmas last December with SPD. her's was terrible. It;s all fun isn;t it LOL!

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