Nearly at:


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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:wave: people,
Thought id post because im nearly at the 12 weeks stage in a day and this was the same week that i miscarried in september.

I have been getting pains but not in the abdominal area just in the pelvic area it was 6 days before my scan date the last time and ive got 6 days left this time to get my scan so although this week is really hard for me :( i had to put the doppler on today to be sure in myself that there was still at heart beat and even though there is the pain still sometiems occurs.

The pain started yesterday morning on and off like today but but its bearable is this normal for 12 week stage?

At this stage in september when i lost my other baby the pains were worse than this but in the abdomianal area i just wanted to know if its normal at 12 weeks in the pelvic area??

I had a little cry earlier as i really thought the pains were guna be due to the fact that the baby wouldnt survive this time round.

Ive even got my fingers crossed because even though there is a heart beat i cant stop thinking that something might go wrong in the days this week.

I think im going crazy an theres no point in getting reassurance off my midwife cos shes crap an never helped me when i lost the baby last time :mad:

Sorry to be a pain with a long topic im terrible at writing :roll:. Thanks for reading xx
Sorry to hear about your previous mc :hug: It must be hard for you to be at the same stage when it happened, but try to stay calm and positive.. There was a little heartbeat there when you checked :hug: The last few days before a scan always seen to be the longest but in no time you will be up on the table with a smile on your face! Good luck for the scan and try to stay as calm as possible lovey xx
I can totally understand you feeling so nervous! I'm worried by every twinge too, even though I've no reason to, I guess it's just natural! As FebMum2Be said, you know your little one has a good heartbeat, it's just a case of waiting a little bit longer to see the rest in action!

I'm sure the pains you're experiencing are normal, I'm getting them too and am 12 weeks today, there's an awful lot of stretching and growing going on down there so we're bound to be a little uncomfortable at times!

Just try to take it easy, try not to worry too much, and if your midwife is rubbish, why not see if you can speak to another? You get your scan before me too you lucky thing, I have to wait til next Thursday! :hug: xx
I can totally understand you feeling so nervous! I'm worried by every twinge too, even though I've no reason to, I guess it's just natural! As FebMum2Be said, you know your little one has a good heartbeat, it's just a case of waiting a little bit longer to see the rest in action!

I'm sure the pains you're experiencing are normal, I'm getting them too and am 12 weeks today, there's an awful lot of stretching and growing going on down there so we're bound to be a little uncomfortable at times!

Just try to take it easy, try not to worry too much, and if your midwife is rubbish, why not see if you can speak to another? You get your scan before me too you lucky thing, I have to wait til next Thursday! :hug: xx

I've been using the doppler every day until my scan i told my self at 12 weeks to check everyday to check for a heartbeat just to reassure myself. I must be crazy to use it as often as i have, but because of the pains i'm taking no chances :roll: lolxx
no way, you're not crazy, if I had one in the house I think Id spend most of my time using it!! I think you'd be crazy to leave it in the cupboard gathering dust! Stay positive hun, send you're baby happy thoughts, some people think they share our emotions cos happiness releases good hormones into your blood. Sometimes I just try and smile and imagine my baby feeling good :) then I smile for real! (yes I am the crazy one!)

By next week we'll both be out of first trimester so the chance of anything happening is so low its not even worth considering. Stay positive xx
no way, you're not crazy, if I had one in the house I think Id spend most of my time using it!! I think you'd be crazy to leave it in the cupboard gathering dust! Stay positive hun, send you're baby happy thoughts, some people think they share our emotions cos happiness releases good hormones into your blood. Sometimes I just try and smile and imagine my baby feeling good :) then I smile for real! (yes I am the crazy one!)

By next week we'll both be out of first trimester so the chance of anything happening is so low its not even worth considering. Stay positive xx

Ty for people posting i now dont feel like im going crazy :)
Im really hoping out of the danger zone, Come on baby :pray: you can do it ya lil fighter:cheer: thats the mose positive thing ive said all day .
wahoo be in the other trimester soon wahoo xx
Of course you're not :hug: Rant away :) We are here to listen, and if it's a problem shared it's a problem halved :) Worrying is never good espec when you bottle it all up x
I have alot of things bottled up sometimes its the only option lol. ty :D ive got 4 days until my scan oooooohhh so excited now :) xx
good luck with your scan :) i cnt wait till i just get to see a midwife who is going to do her job n not tell me to piss off lol! then i might get my scan! x
scan day tomorrow then? Bet you cant wait! Hope youre keeping well x
Good luck honey. Come back and tell us that the scan went fine, cos it will. I'm sure you're fine. You just need to try and think positively!!
Good luck! Can't wait to hear.

Sending love to you and bubby,
scan day tomorrow then? Bet you cant wait! Hope youre keeping well x

hey yeah scan day tmos :D :dance::dance:, and i cant wait and ive even had a double check by dopp today so im feeling very reassured wahoo.
Im keeping well thanks and i will update a scan when i learn how to put it on :roll:lol.

ty people x

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