Nearly 5 month


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So I will be 5 months pregnant on friday and totally feel amazing but dont feel pregnant its strange:eh: i dont have much of a bump no one can tell am pregnant or less i tell them, i have no symptoms at all i just dont feel pregnant what so ever is this normal?

How was everyone else feeling at 5 month pregnant?
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I'm 7 months and have only just had people asking me if I'm pregnant. I didn't feel pregnant till I started feeling her kicks all the time. :) x
I'm 7 months and have only just had people asking me if I'm pregnant. I didn't feel pregnant till I started feeling her kicks all the time. :) x

hehe i will prob be the same cant wait until i get a bump although i reckon i will only have a tiny wee bump for some reason. I just want people to notice am pregnant hahah
plus the fact it just doesnt feel real at all until you go for your scan again and see your little baby on screen and you realise again ooo i am actually pregnant lol
i look pregnant just dont feel it think its worse for me cos i wasnt like this with my other two so i keep thinking theres something wrong and i;ve had one of each and there pregnancies where the same so i cant even go on the thing its coz it might be a different sex im feeling so different this time. I've been feeling the baby move since about 15 wks but its only a few times a day and isnt any stonger then a few wks ago are you getting movement adele?
i look pregnant just dont feel it think its worse for me cos i wasnt like this with my other two so i keep thinking theres something wrong and i;ve had one of each and there pregnancies where the same so i cant even go on the thing its coz it might be a different sex im feeling so different this time. I've been feeling the baby move since about 15 wks but its only a few times a day and isnt any stonger then a few wks ago are you getting movement adele?

hey lanny yeah i know what u mean i wish i had experienced movement before then i would no what to expect it because im not sure what to look for lol. Its weird i think i have but im not 100% sure felt little flitters here and there but nothing major just cant wait to go for my 20 week scan and find out the sex

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