Nausea is back!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Well, I thought that my days of feeling sick were over! For the last week or so I haven't had any nausea or felt as tired.

Since yesterday i have had nausea and felt really rubbish and tired again. I even woke in the early hours of the morning feeling sick.
Mind you I was dreaming about buying Lemonade and Coke flavoured crisps :shock: and in my dream the thought of them made me feel ill!

I thought once you got to my stage nausea was supposed to pass, Is it normal for it to return?
How strange Emma, I have exactly the same thing, and I am now in my 15th week. Going 16 on Sunday.

I felt really rough ALL day yesterday, nothing I could eat would make me feel not sicky.. and when I did eat... I didn't fancy it, nor did I feel full up..

Also... my headaches/migranes are back with avengence... so bad that I took to my bed at 6pm in tears last night!!!

I've just been scouring these pages for anyone with these symptoms and there you are!!
I don't know it this is normal... but at least you're not the only one... I'm feeling bad too!!!

Lemonade and Coke flavoured crisps .... well.... :rotfl:

Hope you feel better soon Emma
mines just back at 28weeks.

I'm really tired and been sick for the last few days.

Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:
How weird is that!!!! We are even at exactly the same stage. :eek:

Yesterday I had an awful headache that would just not go. And as for food I still feel hungry but, I don't feel full either when I've eaten the thought of food makes me feel :puke: even though I do feel hungry it's weird.

Also my little bub is bouncing around in my tum and having a right laugh i think yesterday i was at the loo constantly. Today I'm counting already been 6 times since getting up 8am. And I can feel it wiggling around a lot too
Think the lemonade and coke flavoured crisps is something to do with my Pepsi craving. And I had eaten a bag of crisps before bed last night!
I haven't felt any movement yet......

I also had crisps before going to bed.. to make me feel better.

And my headache is coming back already!!! :cry:

Hope u're feeling better in a couple of days.

I blame mine on work !! :) Going to work at 6.45am can't be good for anyone!!
SuziQ said:
I blame mine on work !! :) Going to work at 6.45am can't be good for anyone!!

Oh you poor thing :hug: At least I have had this week off I'm dreading going back on Monday!

I hope you feel better soon i've just eaten a Twirl and I still feel sick! But also hungry too. Weird
I think mine came back at that stage for a few days then went again , for good.
my nausea went for a couple of weeks and it was bliss but it came back with a vengeance this morning and stayed all day :( its just worn off
I threw up my breakfast this morning for the first time in weeks :shock:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

lots of hugs to everyone feeling poorly. It isn't nice.

I have had 5 brilliant, nausea free days, but mine has come back today too :roll:
I am similar - i had really bad nausea at 8-13 weeks then it has settled down but some days i still feel really sick in the mornings and evenings. I thought it had gone but it is seems to come and go at whim!! I am a bit worried as people have told me stories about being sick and nauseaus right up until they gave birth!!! :puke:
loz said:
I am a bit worried as people have told me stories about being sick and nauseaus right up until they gave birth!!! :puke:

Yeah, lots of people have told me that too, that just isn't funny!! :shock:

I used to beg for nausea in first tri...I am regretting that now :?

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