nature's sexism!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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gosh i so envied men this morning! they seemed to have it all!

this morning i left for work and did a wee first. but half an hour later, walking to work from my car i was soooooooooooooooooo desperate to wee! i wouldve actually snook off to do it somewhere discreet outside - but there isnt really anywhere in manchester city centre at monday morning rush hour! :lol: i thought if only i had a penis! i could just stand up somewhere and wee and no-one would know what i was doing! girls have to get their bottom out to do it- not subtle at all! also men get bigger bladders dont they! its just not fair! not to mention i am soon gonna get fat, bust my ass open and then have saggy belly skin! men are so lucky! :lol:
Aww bless ya :lol:

I didn't know men had bigger bladders. *******s!!!

Poor Trix. If it's any consolation I get up on average 5 times a night (that's not counting all the times I get up before I manage to drop off to sleep) to pee... It's awful. Stupid bladder.

At least come 12+ weeks the uterus will move up so we'll have a brief respite from the constant peeing!
booo and hissss to men :rotfl:

Im from manchester too! Im about to pop into town but waiting on another wee first - as I knwo as soon as I leave, I'll need one.

I found out, as Im early on, that normally when I need a week I can hold it for a bit...but now..ooooh no! its like "oh i need a wee, I'll go in a minute" but no fat chance. when I need to wee, I need to wee THEN!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

a sheewee?? I thought I had seen it all..... I can just imagine my OHs face if I pulled one of those out saying "oh excuse me darling, just need a wee"
ewww I wouldnt want to put that in my washing machine! sterlie wee or no!
Chopsie said:

I mean, what do you do with it afterwards?? Stick it in your handbag covered in wee wee? I think not! :shakehead:

I hadn't thought of that!! :rotfl: Doesn't really appeal.

At the moment I often get caught short taking the dogs for a walk and have to go pee in the forest!! Bloomin' cold I can tell you! :shock:

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