natural delivery v c section


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Sorry me again.... :D

At my apt with mw today she mentioned that I would be refered to a consultant as I had a c section last time.

She said that I would be given a choice by the hospital as to how I wanted to deliver, obviously i regard to my other post, if I have twins I will take c section but what if there's one?

I'm not too hot on the pros and cons of natural deliveries as I never had the option last time.

I would be very grateful if you ladies in the know could put forward your views of what is the best option and why...

Would be much's a big decision to be asked to make!

Thank you ladies :)
Im wondering about what to do about this one myself. My problem is that due to complicationa and spinal headache this time I will not be able to have an epidural. And last time My little boys head was so big plus he was back to back that I dispaced my tailbone which caused me a lot of pain and had me signed off work for over 6 months. Im wondering this time if I can get a growth scan towards the end and if its showing as another biggy (second sprogs have a tendancy to be bigger) then I may have a c-section to avoid further damage.

After having had one naturally I would prefer to do it naturally again, just because even with the pain, there is something so special about the whole experiance.

When it comes to c-sections a lot of people have had very different experiences from no fuss quick easy healing, to loads of problems, infections, slow healing etc etc. But thething I have noticed if those who had bad c-section experiences have been people who have had emergency ones, so thery have already been havinga natural labout for hours and there body has to recover from both!

I know VBAC is a very different thing, so its worth speaking to your consultant to see what they would recomend.

What worries/bothers you about the idea of a natural birth, after having had a cestion before?
I don't think I'm necessarily worried, or maybe I am :D

personally I'm worried about both, it's great having my little bump but so scarey to know it has to come out somehow!

I was getting used to the fact that I would probably have to have a natural birth and to be honest I would probably prefer to be told that I have to do it either one way or the other.

I think the complications come with the risk that your c scar can rupture during birth and 7 in 10 natural births following c section are succesfull, however,3 in 10 end in emergency c sections.

I think it would be quite dissapointing to start off naturally after making that choice to end up having an emergency c section anyway.
Hmm I know what you mean. Something else to be considered though is that you are noramlly limited to only 3 c-sections, before your uterus wall is to thin to cope with anymore pregnancies. I know you already have twins so may not want that many more! If this is your second c-section you can only have one more child!
Think I would only have one more max anyway!

It's a tough decision which I think is going to take a lot of thought and consideration :D

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