Nasty, dirty dirty boy


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Alfie ... the little twinkle in my eye, my little budgie balls, tried to eat, yes EAT his own poopie today (sorry if TMI)

There i was, changing his nappy, and he had done so much poo, id never seen so much before, so there I am one hand holding butt and legs in the air as not to get any on couch, dispose of nappy, but still poopie all over bottom all over budgie balls all up back, and as i now think im too much of a speedy pro, i neglected to whip out changing matt.

Any back on track, there i am trying to wipe off masses of poopie, he whips his hand down, it goes straight along the poopie bottom, scoops up a big dollop of poo, (looked like a mr.whippy) and then yes, its heading for his mouth, it sort of went in slow motion like in the films where they do a slow motion dive and scream noooooooooo in that deep voice, yeah well that was me, let go of his legs so now poopie squashed into couch and i just rescue him from eating his own mess, the shock on his face was hilarious it was a HOW DARE YOU look, but at least he laughed, then spent a good while scrubbing baby poop off sofa

Moral of the story, no matter how good you think you are, no matter how quick your baby is better and faster ... use a change mat! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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