Nappies in bulk???

Just something to point out, I had this discussion with a load of other mums once before, and everyone has prefrences for different nappies, but we found enerally that people with boys got on better with Pampers and baby girls got on better with Huggies. With Noah I tried several differnt huggies and I always used to find they leaked out the sides really badly, something with Pampers have never done for me. As boys tend to fill a different part of the nappy to girls this may well be why.

So this may also be something to consider.
I have just found out that some councils offer a voucher towards the cost of real nappies mine is £75 so I will be doing that I think.
Its worth looking on the website of your local council to see as at the end of the day they are yours to keep for future babies so it works out even cheaper
£75!!!??? That's great! Birmingham only give you £30, tight gits! :x
Yeah they give you £25 when babys 0-3 then £25 at 3-6 and another at 6-9
I'd reccomend anyone to do this, even if you're a disposable user. Re-useables have a GREAT re-sale value.

Buy some, get your HV to sign the form, claim the money back then sell them on Ebay! Money for nothing! :cheer:
Jakob is quite small so he is in huggies new born at the moment but when he is a little bigger and his poo's are less runny (todays was explosive! went all up his vest bless him!)

then he will be in reusables :dance: (in a week or so or whenever we finish the rest of the huggies which will probably be less than a week thinking about it!)

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