Nappies in bulk???


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2006
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Do you guys know anywhere where I can buy my nappies in bulk?

Thanx in advance...


BTW... For people who are going the 'disposable' route...

What brand are you getting and why?
Were only buying one pack of newborn nappies, just incase baby is 2 big for them my son was. Were going for morrisons own brand first, because their cheap and ive found them to be perfect in the past.

OH was on about buying nappies in bulk, but were going to have to wait till babys born to find out the size of it.

Are you worried about not having enough nappies?
I think it would probably work out cheaper in the long run to buy in bulk from somewhere like Makro.
be wary of buying too many of the one kind just now. I bought shed loads of new born size 3 but he was too small for them so i bought shed loads of size 1's till he was big enough for the size 3's . But, he peeed right through the newborn ones (like a racehorse) and i had to go and buy size 2 babydry.

Gawd, i wish i had held fire. Its pampers i use but I find asda george ones to be quite good.
I just bought Huggies Newborn when they were on offer in Superdrug/Boots etc. Got about 4 packs or so at the moment and wont get any more newborn size now just in case :oops:
my mom used pampers with my sis first but didnt like it d so she switched to huggies.

the thing is i can find pampers everywhere. ive been in asda .. and mothercare and little corner shops and they didnt have any huggies..
I've just bought Huggies Newborn Size 2, got about 6 packets, like Jade i've just been buying them when i've saw them on special offer in the supermarket, etc!

I just got my huggies out of asda and tesco Ebony, so no idea why you can't find any!
I second Violet, Morrisons own disposables are fab!

I too would avoid buying in bulk, Fat Stanley can't get the first size near him now, grew out of them at about a month old! :D
I bought a pack of 28 pampers new born for £2.99 from Willkingsons for the first few days as the poo is awfull. but we are getting reusables birth to potti pack £225!
And it was on BBC news this morning that you can save about £600 a year, plus you will be helping the enviroment, and redusing waist.
There is also companys that take dirty ones and bring clean ones for about £9 per week ... r=products
none of the normal size ones fit madi lol

if you do want bulk i think asda do them
We're going to be getting organic disposables from the Waitrose in Tilehurst lol. So I guess that's not really bulk-buying. We're getting them as I think some studies have shown that all the extra laundry from cloth nappies can be equally damaging to the environment - for example you're supposed to wash them at 60 degree's whereas the reccomended "green" temp for washing is now 30 degrees. I don't find it an easy descision! However, with Reading's fortnightly bin collection we may have to go over to cloth lolololol. I have seen some compostable bio-organic disposables, but my OH just looked tired when I mentioned them lol. I reckon they would need commercial composting anyway with all that poo lol.
When kai was in nappies we used to by in bulk from macro, if u have a card. There cheaper an you get loads! we used pampers!
gingerpig said:
We're going to be getting organic disposables from the Waitrose in Tilehurst lol. So I guess that's not really bulk-buying. We're getting them as I think some studies have shown that all the extra laundry from cloth nappies can be equally damaging to the environment - for example you're supposed to wash them at 60 degree's whereas the reccomended "green" temp for washing is now 30 degrees. I don't find it an easy descision! However, with Reading's fortnightly bin collection we may have to go over to cloth lolololol. I have seen some compostable bio-organic disposables, but my OH just looked tired when I mentioned them lol. I reckon they would need commercial composting anyway with all that poo lol.

It's an interesting debate Gingerpig, although the thought that each baby produces 2.5 tonnes of nappies from birth to potty training outweighs the energy cost for me! :shock: Having said that, my choice to use cloth is economy and aesthetically based. We plan on having more children so it will be worthwhile, and there's so many lovely styles and fabrics about! I love babies with big cloth bums instead of the skinny disposables! We do still use them occasionally though. It needn't be an all or nothing thing. :)
*apologises to ebony for slighty steering this topic off-course*

To be fair Minxy I was surprised that the studies (which I cant lay my hands on right now) showed that cloth nappies were apparently as energy intensive as disposables - especially with the land fill costs! I will probably go and and have another root around for more info on both sides of the issue and have more of a think about it, as I'm not really totally happy with disposables. I'd always thought I would be cloth based to be fair, it was just becuase this other evidence (which was on the beeb somwhere....) was quite compelling (for me). We want more than 1 (although I'm an oldie so we'll see what nature intends lol) so you're right on the longeivty of cloth based nappies.

*steers topic back onto Ebony's orignal bulk buying*
gingerpig said:
We're going to be getting organic disposables from the Waitrose in Tilehurst lol. So I guess that's not really bulk-buying. We're getting them as I think some studies have shown that all the extra laundry from cloth nappies can be equally damaging to the environment - for example you're supposed to wash them at 60 degree's whereas the reccomended "green" temp for washing is now 30 degrees. I don't find it an easy descision! However, with Reading's fortnightly bin collection we may have to go over to cloth lolololol. I have seen some compostable bio-organic disposables, but my OH just looked tired when I mentioned them lol. I reckon they would need commercial composting anyway with all that poo lol.

hey !! i used to live near waitrose...
the far end of oxford rd

i hate that supermarket tho :talkhand: toooooooo expensive

I didnt realise u were in reading...

gingerpig said:
*apologises to ebony for slighty steering this topic off-course*

*steers topic back onto Ebony's orignal bulk buying*

oh no babes.. rarely does a topic ever stay on track..

were all like that :cheer: :hug:
gingerpig said:
*apologises to ebony for slighty steering this topic off-course*

*steers topic back onto Ebony's orignal bulk buying*

oh no babes.. rarely does a topic ever stay on track..

were all like that :cheer: :hug:
I used to, and still get mine from costcos or makros. Huggies rock! Pampers are rubbish for jaycee, she drinks alot and wees right thru them! Toys r us do a few boxes too.
My friend was changing her DDs nappy and went to put a pampers on her, opened it up and the crystals fell out into her babys eyes! They were swelling up and falling out every minute, she had hundreds in there! It wasnt fastened at the ends, so it wasnt my friends fault.
Jayceesmumma said:
I used to, and still get mine from costcos or makros. Huggies rock! Pampers are rubbish for jaycee, she drinks alot and wees right thru them! Toys r us do a few boxes too.
My friend was changing her DDs nappy and went to put a pampers on her, opened it up and the crystals fell out into her babys eyes! They were swelling up and falling out every minute, she had hundreds in there! It wasnt fastened at the ends, so it wasnt my friends fault.

Gosh Jo thats terrible!
JaidyBaby said:
Jayceesmumma said:
I used to, and still get mine from costcos or makros. Huggies rock! Pampers are rubbish for jaycee, she drinks alot and wees right thru them! Toys r us do a few boxes too.
My friend was changing her DDs nappy and went to put a pampers on her, opened it up and the crystals fell out into her babys eyes! They were swelling up and falling out every minute, she had hundreds in there! It wasnt fastened at the ends, so it wasnt my friends fault.

Gosh Jo thats terrible!
i know, poor mite!! she was in so much pain bless her!
was recent too.
ill never go pampers now!

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