My turn tobe a paranoid mum(to be)


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I'm probably worrying over nothing but yesterday my baby was really active, more then usual, but i havnt felt any definate movements today, usually i feel and see a few kicks, at least at night time, and i havnt been really active today, in fact i've done pretty much exactly the same as yesterday so im not missing them.
I wouldnt worry so much except i squished her between to wing mirrors yestrday, and i know she got pretty squashed, she moved quite a bit afterwards but now i'm paraniod.
I've had my dopler out and her heartrate is still strong and about the usual rate.
Should i ring midwife tomorrow if she doesnt start moving??
I am sure nothing is wrong. I have days where bubba doesn't stop moving and then days with no movements. It panics me as well. If you haven't felt anything by tomorrow I would give the midwife a phone. At least it would put your mind to rest but try not to worry too much hun. :hug: And you are not being paranoid mum-to-be!

My littleun has its quiet days too - yesterday for one, but today he/she has been quite active. I still worry though, even though this is my third!!!

If you've got a strong heartbeat I'm sure there's nothing to worry about but if you continue to have a lack of movement it may be worth giving the m/w a call tomorrow, just to check everything is ok, am sure it is though.

All the best :hug:
I'll re-iterate what the others said about having quiet days, there seems to be no pattern to it either.

If you still concerned tomorrow call MW just to be on the safe side. I'm sure she'll be kicking you all night long now!

Alex xxx
I wouldnt normally worry, but after squishing her yesterday all sorts of things go through your head!! She has jsut kicked a few times but its nothing compared to normal, shes usually very consistant with kicking thats why i worry
call your midwife if it'll ease your worries :)

On the squishing thing - babies are a lot more padded than you might think - it probably hurt you a lot more than it would have baby!! xxxx :hug: :hug:
She's still not moving :( if she hasnt moved within an hour i'm gonna ring midwife, i've jsut had a very sugary caffinated coffee ( i usually drink decaff) and something to eat, and now i'm gonna just sit here for an hour, it should get her moving.
It doesnt feel right not having her move, makes me wonder how odd its gonna be when she does come out :shock:
deffo call your mw, you should have 10 definare kicks everyday, better to be safe hun
i forgot to mention in my first post that about half an hour after squishing her i nearly fainted, ended up sat on the floor in the middle of work (customers were very interested) and it took an hour for me to feel ok standing up again.
yeah i rang her and she said go come up, shes checked heart rate and had a feel around, everything seems ok, heartrate is normal, she pocked around and baby still isnt moving. She rang the hospital and they want me to go up now so my mums on her way to take me so you cant park up there.
Im sure shes fine and oblivious to the amount of worrying shes making me do. I'll update when i get back but might be a while as i have to go with my friend later as shes having test cos of her miscarriage
Turning out to be a pretty crap day tbh, AND my car failed its MOT, typical!!!
Hope everything goes well hun :hug:

My baby has been really quiet for the last few days, but I think she has moved position :think:

Really hope everything is ok - you're doing the right thing getting checked out if you're really worried.

Sorry to hear about your car too!!! :hug:
hope everything is alright! i'm sure baby is just having a lazy few days!
I'm sure bubs will be fine but better to be safe than sorry, let us know how it goes :hug:
baby is fine, spent 3 hours up the hospital and they scanned her, turns out she'd moved and had her hands and feet together again and was hitting my placenta so i couldnt feel her.
She also comfirmed she is def a girl
So glad shes ok just hoping she moves again now so movements are obvious to me again
Thats great hun :hug: Babies like to make us worry dont they?

My baby has been really quite for about 3 days now, but I do feel the odd movement on my right, it used to be on the right where I felt loads of movement. I know my placenta is on my right so she probably seems quieter because she is kicking that.
That's fantastic news! :cheer: I didn't want to post before because I didn't have anything to say other than "I hope you're ok" and it didn't seem enough considering the worry you were going through :hug: PLus I wanted to help and couldn't because this is my first and I'm not as far as you :)

Anyway, you got to see her again!! That's brilliant - You can relax now :D And it's great to know that if/when this happens to me there could be another possible reason behind the "quiet" days... Thank you hun xx

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