my tooth has cracked!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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last night as i was sleeping i cracked my tooth :eek:
i think i might of been grinding on it... but i woke up just as it was crack :( ... it's my front tooth as well :cry:

i've got a Vinnie on my front tooth cracked it when i was small... i've got it fixed millions of times and it's so uncomfortable :cry: :cry:

so do i have to tell my dentist i'm pregnant?? because when i get it fixed he injects me with something to make my month num?? :|
im not sure if it can harm baby, so id let him know to be safe!
Awwww :hug:

When you go to the dentist you'll have to mention you're pregnant.

At least your scan is next week, it gives you something to look forward to :D
x-kirsty-x said:
Awwww :hug:

When you go to the dentist you'll have to mention you're pregnant.

At least your scan is next week, it gives you something to look forward to :D

that's true :D :D .... i don't mind the dentist.. (for check ups) but it's just sooo long, there is so much he has to do before he can place another one one

i wish i never cracked when i was small :roll:
Yes you should tell the dentist that you are pregnant, I think local anaesthetic is OK during pregnancy though. :)
you are entitled to some free dental procedures when you are pregnant, not sure if it is just check ups or not so I would definitely tell him!
thanks ladies...

i didn't really think you would have to tell them for some reason?? :roll:

Ya i wouold tell them i know they say to cuz you cant have x-rays and some procedures done till after you have the baby.
Sorry about your tooth :hug:

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