My symptoms...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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I know when you're TTC its good to hear about what other peoples pregnancy symptoms are so heres mine if anyones interested...

Sore boobs, especially at the sides, and really sensitive nipples :oops:

Feeling hungry constantly

Weeing more often and needing to go as soon as I wake up

White creamy CM (sorry if TMI!)

A few twinges and slight cramps in stomach

2 days later....BFP!
same here hun...:)
my hunger has been non-stop! has period-like pains and very tender / sensitive nipples for about 2 weeks now
just waiting to test as my period isnt due until next week
Have you tried a Clearblue test, they detect a BFP 4 days before AF is due!

Im only 4 weeks pregnant but Ive had 2 positive tests! Good luck hun :hug:
so did you test postitive before you were late? was it the symptoms that made you test?
im due on towards the end of next week...i think i'll wait until im a few days late (if i am late) and then test, cos im pretty regular usually :)

congratulations!!! :lol:
bit of a personal question, but were your nipples quite hard alot of the time? mine have been, its a bit embarassing at work cos i have to walk around with my arms folded :rotfl:
lol yes they are!

I wasnt sure when AF was due though as I suffered a m/c about 6 weeks ago and havent had a period since, I fell pregnant sometime in between then and now, thats why Im not sure how far I am.

I know it cant be that many weeks cos the lines on the tests are only faint. I tested cos my boobs were killing me lol!

Good luck, keeping my fingers crossed for you :pray:
Congratulations Kirsty :dance: and good luck shrinkin.violet :pray: :D
Congrats Kirsty, hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months and Shrinkin Violet, good luck and i hope you get the result you're looking for! :D
I didnt know you had got your BFP Kirsty! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

lol yep I made a post in the trying to conceive section!

Thank you :hug:

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