My shopping list


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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I've just sent oh to asda for -
Fresh cream chocolate eclairs
Big block of galaxy
Box of mars ice creams
Bananas, meringue nests and squirts cream
The ingredients for a trifle

Can't wait for him to get back with my goodies, as you can see I'm craving all things sweet and creamy ;)
Sounds amazing! I am also waiting on DH coming back from Asda although my list includes tuna, spaghetti hoops and things to make fajitas! Enjoying all savoury things at the minute :) Enjoy your treats! xx
Omg I will report you lol, someone to get that post down,oh you made me so hungry :D
I'm still on my cherry chuppa chips!

I had chicken and leek cup of soup today....never have that but I had to ditch my normal lunch and go to tekkos just to get it! Mmmmm!xxx
I wonder if sweet cravings mean girl and savoury mean boy???? x
Do you intend to eat all of that tonight?
Noooooo lol
I'm going to make the trifle for after tea tomorrow and enjoy the rest over the next few days.
I am going to take a mars ice cream (or 3) to bed :) xx
ok good, because you'd be so sick if you ate all of that in one go. mmmmmmmm ice cream in bed! That sounds like a nice idea.
Doesn't it, going to watch sex and the city and eat ice cream xx
Make sure you eat it quick though, melted ice cream & chocolate on the duvet won't look nice (particularly milk chocolate!)
They do say sweet cravings for a girl but I craved chocolate and I had a boy so not sure!!
I craved mcdonalds cheeseburgers last time and salty stuff, who knows eh x
Well I've gone right off chocolate and would be willing to go wind milling for a crumpet so I may well be team blue.

God help anyone who comes near my chuppa chups though!
Oh I am starving, despite just eating my dinner! I'm cravin savoury stuff, which is really weird because usually I've got such a sweet tooth :)
Yum yum. I eat a mars ice cream earlier. I made a topic in 1st tri ages ago about eating sweet things. When i was pg with my daughter i was eatling loads of sweet stuff & savoury with my son. This pg i keep changing wanting both.

Im so jealous my appetite is NIL! Im having to eat little and often just to keep the nausea at bay and at times if i leave to longer gap between meals i throw up! Today it was in the street! Happy eating xxx

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