My scare


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Yippee i'm 27weeks today ... been promoted to this forum! Although after my scare on saturday night I thought I might never make it! I'd just finished a 12hr shift at work, got home went for a wee and started bleeding!!! We've never been so scared in our life! I thought I was going into early labour as I had cramps too! I was admitted into hospital and had lots of undignifying tests done and had to stay in over night for observation (I hate hospitals) After a not so great nights sleep the next day they asked me to stay in until Monday but I was pining for my own bed so they reluctantly discharged me and asked me to go in for a scan on Monday. Luckily the scan showed everything to be fine and baby was happily chewing on its fist and showing us that it can stick it's tongue out & curl its toes but they can't figure out why I was bleeding because baby & my placenta are fine so we're still baffled???? Anyway I've been signed off work all week so hopefully I'll get some rest.
Please girlies learn from my mistake... I think I was doing too much (renovating my house, working f/time) TAKE IT EASY we've got a little one inside us to think about!
Aw hun, that must have been scary for you but really glad everythings fine!!

So just you take full advantage of being off work, sit with your feet up, family sized bar of choccie in one hand remote in the other! :hug:
Oh Luce that must have been scary :( I had bleeding at 18 weeks and all was ok but my friend said take it as a message from your LO to slow down. I think that is great advice for all pregnant ladies :D
Glad everything is ok. :D

I shall be joining you in the 3rd tri very soon :wave:
i had a scare a couple of weeks ago too, its scary isnt it :shock:
Sorry to hear about your hospital trip!

I think you are right. I do too much at times. I work full time and come home (just moved house) tidy up, cook, clean. Then have a busy weekend. I have been feeling so low lately and will take your advice and do nothing. x
hey luce1 welcome to the third trimester :wave:
sorry to hear about your scare..i had more or less exactly the same thing at 19 weeks, they kept me in for a week, it was really scary!
they still dont know what it was but everythings fine so probably as you said overdoing it etc....i think its hormonal changes in the ladybits/cervix!

glad everything was fine and now your joining us in the home stretch, hopefully i wont be here too much longer...come on baby i want to join new arrivals!!

hey luce so sorry 2 hear about ur scare!! glad everything is ok now, btw is ur avatae pic real :shock: :shock:
aww love ur avatar luce n glad bubs is ok and it was just a scare
lv b x
arr... thank you so much girlies, its so nice to come on here and for you girlies to understand. Lots of Love & Hugs xox :hug:

PS - Pic isn't me but not sure if its real just thought it captured how amazing the baby movements are inside of us. Glad u like it
aww how terrible that must of been, im glad everythings ok you take it easy girl!! xhannahx

Luce glad to hear all work out well and that you have made it into the 3rd tri!!! Velcomen!!! :dance:
I know my husband keeps on at me to take it easy - not that I think I do a lot in the 1st place!!! I do work full time but at the mo I don't go in more than 4 times a wk and if poss even less, besides I think I'd just get bored being at home - well at least until we move at the end of the month, then I'm sure it will be a different story :shock: !
Take care hun!!!

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