Little Scare


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Just thought I'd let you guys know we had a little scare last night. Baby was really quiet and weak during the day, and as I went to bed I realised I hadn't felt him/her for a while. Tried loads to get some wriggles, but nothing worked, so I rang the hospital and they told me to go in. Was strapped to a monitor for half an hour, and thankfully all is ok, and the wiggled started when I was there.

So glad things ok and it's really made me calm down about being overdue, as I was getting very stressed. A good thing that's come out of it is that I've now been booked in for an inducement, Friday, so I feel so much better :)

I know people say babies don't move so much at the end, but if you do feel a big change, do give them a call, no-one at any point made me feel silly for going in.
phew glad everything is well, your just right to get it checked out if your in doubt. Roll on friday!
Glad everythin is ok-hopefully baby won't keep u waitin til Friday xx
glad everythings oka :)
Last time i was at the hospital the midwife said to me just cause i was 36weeks along not to just think al leave it if u have any concern still go in made me feel like i wasnt being stupid if i do feel the need to ring up
Well done for acting on it though. At least baby is ok. Can't believe how everyone has gone overdue!! So annoying! Xx
Glad all is ok and glad you got induction date maybe baby might get a shifty on now come on baby xx
So glad everything's ok, and great news about Friday :yay:

Just thought I'd let you guys know we had a little scare last night. Baby was really quiet and weak during the day, and as I went to bed I realised I hadn't felt him/her for a while. Tried loads to get some wriggles, but nothing worked, so I rang the hospital and they told me to go in. Was strapped to a monitor for half an hour, and thankfully all is ok, and the wiggled started when I was there.

So glad things ok and it's really made me calm down about being overdue, as I was getting very stressed. A good thing that's come out of it is that I've now been booked in for an inducement, Friday, so I feel so much better :)

I know people say babies don't move so much at the end, but if you do feel a big change, do give them a call, no-one at any point made me feel silly for going in.

Poor you hun :hugs: What a frightening horrid thing to go through. I can imagine you were on pins.

Great news that baby is ok - perhaps he/she was in a rather delightful sleep!

All the very best for Friday hun :hugs:
Thanks everyone.

I'm a lot calmer, hubby is asking me constantly if the baby is moving, I have to tell him everytime!

Still hoping for it to happen as i won't be able to have a waterbirth with inducement (which I hadn't realised at first :() But as long as baby's ok I'm happy!
Glad everything is okay! Well done for doing something about it!

I've been a bit concerned about movement - I'm not really feeling it, but I know baby is moving because it sticks out in different places, and I still feel the hiccups, so I'm not too worried.
If it stops, then I'll definately go in! x
aaawww hun! glad all is ok and hope baby doesn't keep you waiting til friday! xxx
Awww glad everything is ok - how scary! I've just come out of hospital after 16 days and I must say te best thing about it was I got to hear baby's heartbeat 2 or 3 times a day - so reassuring. Will miss that now I'm out! Thankfully he's still got plenty of room to kick and move about so I'm feeling him lots - but I have thought about nearer the end when they move less - more worry!! xx
So glad everything is ok, and at least you know things will get started on Friday, but fingers crossed for you going naturally before then. xxxx

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