Austin only has a night routine too, we just play it by ear during the day. It usually goes:
6pm: Daddy gets home from work, crazy half hour of play while mummy has a little break!
6:30pm: Breastfeed then finger foods in his bumbo (still a bit small for the highchair). We try to eat at the same time so that he gets an idea of family mealtimes.
7pm: More play with daddy, sometimes we go for a walk in the pram
8pm: Bath/top & tail and into his sleepsuit. Story with daddy while his bottle warms up
8:15pm: Bottle of EBM with daddy
8:30pm: Into his cot in his own room. He's usually still awake at this point. He usually settles quite quickly, and is almost always asleep by 9pm.
2:30am-4:30am: Wakes up once during this period, breastfeed and straight back down. He's very good at settling himself back to sleep in the middle of the night so I'm usually only out of bed for 5-10 minutes!
6-8am: If he wakes before 7 he comes into bed with us until we get up.
It's working well at the moment, he started dropping his night feed a few weeks ago and slept through 5 nights in a row, then his teething got worse & he gets up again.