My Positive Post


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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I don't really see my HV at Angel's weigh-ins, we have a Nursery Nurse instead.
One day i went in and broke down about our current situation and she was brilliant. Just sat and chatted to me, dressed Angel and even made some calls for me.
She obviously noted all this down and at Angel's 8 month check my HV came to visit and sat and chatted again about it. She did a PND check and i scored for it, but she decided it was down to everything rather than actual PND, so gave me some time and called me a few weeks later to see how i was.
Anyway, over the passed few weeks i have been a real nightmare. I cry alot, i'm snappy, i won't even let OH go out coz i have all these irrational thoughts going round my head.
I decided i couldn't live like this so i went back to my Nursery Nurse and told her how i felt. I feel alone and very depressed and anxious.
She instantly got to it and got me to fill out a form. I got a call the following day from a woman at Surestart. She booked to see me today. Her and my Nursery Nurse came for a chat. She took our details of our situation and said she make some calls to help us. They run groups at our local village for mums that need to get out the house. They pay the taxi fare to and from the group! And they have free creche for some of the groups that kids can't attend.
After half term i am starting a group every Tuesday for 2 hours. It will be for most girls my age, with kids Angel's age. I'll even getting an NVQ while i'm at it!!! I'm dead chuffed with it! I'll have proper qualifications for my future.
Also in March they're doing a first aid course, mainly on children, but i'll get a certificate afterwards!
It's all free! How fab is that?! I'll be getting out the house and meeting people, and Angel will get other kids to play with which she has longed for!
And i feel so pleased with myself for doing it! For admitting something was wrong, and doing something about it! And my Nursery Nurse being so fantastic to sort it for me! And she's having a kitten off me too! :lol:
:cheer: :cheer: Well done you! All sounds really good! :cheer: :cheer: xx
Well done you sweetie i am so very please for you you deserve all the happiness in the world. :D :D :D :D :D :hug: :dance:
Getting out meeting people having a break and getting a qulification is fantastic :D i think all these Sure Start places opening up is going to be so very benifical to Mums :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Aw well done Lisa :clap: Thats a really positive step you've taken and will benefit so much from it as will Angel (says the girl who hides away in the house by herself everyday :oops: )
Good on you :hug: :hug: :hug:
The girl doesnt and shouldnt hide in her house either snuggle - youll be on the way to PND if you start doing that.

Lisa that sounds fab what your doing and a very positive step in the right direction - well done hun. Things can only get better.
I know Sarah, I will be out and about more when we finally have the car sorted! Its taken forever for us to get the money together to get all the stuff done that the car needed, should be done by end of next week :pray:
so happy to hear a positive post from you - I bet you'll love it :hug:
Ah Lisa that sounds great. You sound like a massive weight has been lifted from you. Hope it all goes well for you :hug:

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