my poor little man has been in hospital


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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hey all well i havent been on here for a few weeks cuz laptop had to go top be repaired. but OMFG we have had some stress for 2 weeks christopher has been off colour refusing to eat/lathargic and grumpy i just put it down to teething but then a few people were saying how yellow he looked. i couldnt see it so i didn t worry to much until sunday when i could really see how yellow he was he was also much more lathargic so we took him to out of hours GP where he was admitted to the childrens ward - they took bloods that ruled out jaundice but his liver function was high so he had to stay over night

they think it could of been a virus that has really taken hold of him because in thr ten months he has been alive he has not even had a sniffle or cold absolutly nothing - a very healthy boy until this started.

when they took blood from him it was horried they stuck needles in both hands but couldnt get a vein the poor mite was screaming so sdo much o they used a vein from his foot.

he has to go back 2mrw for another liver function test so fingers crossed its back to normal or he has to have more tests :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

please pray that it goes down
oooh what a worry!
i hope he is feeling a bit better in himself now and i have everything crossed that it has settled back down. :hug: :hug:
Hope Christopher is feeling better soon :hug:

I always made the doctors take blood from Conals feet it didn't seem to hurt him as much you could try asking :)

Good Luck

hun, good luck for tomorrow. I know only 2 well how horrible it is for your lil one to be poked and prodded with needles.
Hope he gets better soon, let us know how he gets on :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor little chap. What a worry.
Really hope his liver function is back to normal now.
well he has had his blood tests they did in from his arm. they sprayed it with a numbing spray first so he whimperd but didnt cry - unlike on the ward where they just ramed it into him and made him cry so much he was almost sick. poor thing

but because he was so brave today he got a sticker in his red book from the nurse saying ive been a brave boy in hospital - how cute.

thy have done a repeat liver function and s screen for ceoliac disease (SP??) as his weight gain has been poor for monthd now so they feel it may be connected to what he is going through now. we go back to the clinic in 2 weeks for the results and find out then what needs to be done next.

kids - we love them to bits but dont half wory about them :doh:

Really hope Christopher's results are all good and clear, you're very brave Mummy, that must have ben hard to go through, glad to hear you're all home though, very best wishes!! :hug: :hug:
oh bless him hope he gets better soon, what a worry :(
ive only just seen this try not to worry and ill bring you the info round later :hug:
thanks sam - ill see u later on but for everybody elses

here are a few updates:
the consultant told us that chrsitopher could posibly have ceaoliac disease (SP) as his weight gain from birth has been very slow despite being a bog baby of 10lbs 14.50z :shock: . they feel that this little episide of yello skin/lathargy/refusing to eat could be cause he has this caeoliac disease. Any way he has been screened for it via blood test but we wont know the results for another 2 weeks until we go to outpatients - i think this is a bit too long to wait but anyway.

since he came out of hospital i have stopped giving him food with gluten in it and my god he has changed he is no longer yellow , he is eating again and much happier and energetic.

does this mean it could be this ceaoliac disease ? are there any of u mummies out there who have babies with ceaoliac disease ? would love to hear from you ???

anyone ????

thanks for all the replies it helps ease my worry having this forum to talk about it and trust me i have been so so worried about him. :hug:
oh bless him hope he gets better soon, what a worry :(
ive only just seen this try not to worry and ill bring you the info round later :hug:
thanks sam - ill see u later on but for everybody elses

here are a few updates:
the consultant told us that chrsitopher could posibly have ceaoliac disease (SP) as his weight gain from birth has been very slow despite being a bog baby of 10lbs 14.50z :shock: . they feel that this little episide of yello skin/lathargy/refusing to eat could be cause he has this caeoliac disease. Any way he has been screened for it via blood test but we wont know the results for another 2 weeks until we go to outpatients - i think this is a bit too long to wait but anyway.

since he came out of hospital i have stopped giving him food with gluten in it and my god he has changed he is no longer yellow , he is eating again and much happier and energetic.

does this mean it could be this ceaoliac disease ? are there any of u mummies out there who have babies with ceaoliac disease ? would love to hear from you ???

anyone ????

thanks for all the replies it helps ease my worry having this forum to talk about it and trust me i have been so so worried about him. :hug:
i think one of the mums from baby club has got coeliac 2 and so has her kid so ask catherine :D

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