my other 1/2 seems so inconsiderate....


Aug 8, 2007
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i lost a baby a couple of weeks ago and he doesnt seem to understand how empty i feel. He says all i want is a baby and not him....thats not true i love him dearly. Its as almost if he didnt care tht we were having a baby it was just a thing. He keeps calling me a baby obsessed sicko but he doesnt see that everytime i close my eyes isee when i lost our baby it replays. Im scared to sleep at night because i dream tht we had the baby and it was fine and when i wake up its not there....
Men can be so insensitve sometimes, Take no notice of him hun he obviously doesnt understand the pain your going through, Things like these take time to recover from, pyshicaly and mentally, So sit him down an tell him how your feeling, tell him everything, im sure eventualy he will understand.!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree with toxic angel, i think you need to sit him down and explain to him how you feel without holding anything back, my dh was exactly the same sfter my first loss, i think he needed to feel wamted for other things appart from a baby making machine, I think men need more emotionally than they let on or even know. :hug: :hug: i hope everything works out.
I'm sorry for your loss honey, sometimes men can be so thoughtless. What he is saying sounds very hurtful, and I agree, maybe you should sit him down and tell him how you are feeling. You may find that he is grieving too and this is how he is coping.

Keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. :hug: :hug: :hug:
omg what a thing to call you, that is quite abusive and you should tell him it isn't on :hug:
yeah i told him that wasnt on and he should treat me with a bit more respect. He says hes not ready for another baby he wasnt ready for the one we lost. I dont even know when he will be. Its all about finances, the way i see it a baby needs love money and tons of toys is just a bonus, i know it because i had all the toys in the world but not an ounce of love from my mom and he doesnt see that he thinks a baby need millions of pounds to be happy...

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