My nips are really sore!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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The baby has been on my boob all day pretty much.

She keeps fussing and dragging my nipple about again (not sure if it's because I've had to use a bottle again for the Gaviscon)

They are bloody sore, I've been lucky so far and they haven't been too bad but jeez. Today im in agony!
Are you using lanisonah? I found it helped lubricate them when I was just being used a sucky toy! It does get better I promise! You'll wake up one day and realise it doesn't hurt!
It sounds like nipple confusion hun, you have to get rid of the bottle for now. And definitely lansinoh is good

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The doctor had told me again to use a bottle to give the Gaviscon :( he won't give me other meds for her

She doesn't get the medicine properly other ways.

I'm torn about it really
Is she definitely latching on properly? Is she doing it every feed? I know loan can be fussy sometimes and us just comfort not milk he wants, and a dummy does the job for that
Have you tried cabbage leaves? I thunk it's savoy cabbage. Might be worth a google to check! Have u been checked for thrush too? That can be painful.

Was going to ask about thrush as well. It can be a burning sensation or feel like tabbing pains radiating from the nipple, and nipples may be cracked. If your lo has it, their tongue may have a white film. Apparently it is quite uncomfy for babies and they can be fussy at the boob. Hope you're ok!
When I had thrush Tyler didn't (lucky so and so!) are your nips really pink and shiny?


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