my new health visitor :D

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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i cant remember if i said on here that i'd finally complained about my HV? basically after a long line of mistakes, mainly her forgetting to refer katie for her hip problem, i had enough the other week and made a huge complaint to the local primary care trust people. got a phone call off the big HV manager person the other week to say they've found me a new HV, who is going to be based at our health centre part time, but she's going to start seeing me early.

well, she came round today and she's so so lovely! she turned up early - which was probs cos one of my complaints about the old one was that she was always atleast 30 mins late! took me by suprise tho, i'd just started eating my lunch! anyway, she was really nice, asked lots of questions about the girls, katie was asleep so she didnt get to meet her. weighed ella, who's now 14lb4 :)

she asked if i'd thought about weaning yet or if i'm gona wait til 6 months, and i said she'd had a bit of baby rice, but she wasnt keen, and that i want to give BLW a go. she was well impressed at that, said most people dont like the idea of it, but she was really interested to see how i get on with it cos she's heard so much positive stuff about it. i told her i did quite a bit of it with katie when she got old enough and she said it was suprising cos most first time mums hate the idea of it and the gagging and stuff. was nice to talk to someone who was kinda on the same wavelength really, cos the last HV didnt really talk much and i made myself sound dead clever :lol:

i asked her if she could get me some padding stuff for katie's cast, and she said she'd get it and drop it off to me some time. got a phone call a couple of hours later of the community childrens nurses and they dropped some off to me :D she then rang like 1/2 hour later just to check if they'd rung me!

so basically, they're finally getting their arses in gear and i'm getting some proper care out of them :) i did fail to mention to her that i'm most probably moving next week and will be out of their area.... shame really cos i'm finally getting somewhere with them and now i'm gona have a new one!
:yay: for getting things sorted! Sometimes with these people the managers know somethings not right about the staff but its hard to proove cos they're out the office so much, I worked in a dept a few years back where we were desparate for complaints to come in so management could do something about a particular member of staff!!!
i really wish i'd complained sooner now! could have had it sorted a long time ago, this one's so nice. well tbh, i think they know they've got to give me a really nice one cos of how bad i've been let down!

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