My Nearly Complete Nursery


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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Well the nursery is nearly completed (thank god) i can have the rest of my house back to normal :rotfl: i had baby stuff here there and everywhere .

But wonderful hubby has worked very hard and made a brill job im sooooooo chuffed with him at the moment :hug: he wouldn't let me lift a finger .

I got to say it was quite hard not doing anything as i couldnt help myself touching :rotfl: as i love decorating .

All we got to wait for is the curtains has they are been made at moment and weve got to venture into town and get some pics to go on the wall and some teddies .

Weve also got to buy the cot and that.

Im soooooo chuffed with the room i have to keep going in there and sitting in it has its so peaceful.

Well weve got the family round at weekend to inspect everything :rotfl: and my SIL is dying to see it .

Ive posted some pics of the room we decided on teddy theme (sorry if pics are too big dont know how resize them) .

Bedroom door hubby insisted it had teddies on it lol

The wall changing thingy hubby says there dead hard to put up .


The suit ya can see my mum could resist it lol


This is the pram mum and dad brought us its put where the cots going go at mo
thats fantastic well done to ya if you would like to send him and his paint brushes to my house :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
That's lovely! :)

I'm just amazed how well organised you are :shock:
Wend your way ahead of me, my DH has the colours on the walls and the ceiling re-painted, the glossing of skirting boards etc is a job for Friday and the furniture is going in on did you get your room to look so big in the pictures? My nursery is seriously HUGE but in photo's it looks like poor little pudding's being stuck in a box room!! Any tips on getting the room to look a little bigger? Mind you it might help once I've got furniture in there to give perspective type thing. Love your theme, totally different to mine, will share once done! xxx :hug:
Nicola said:
how did you get your room to look so big in the pictures? My nursery is seriously HUGE but in photo's it looks like poor little pudding's being stuck in a box room!! Any tips on getting the room to look a little bigger?

Hubby says when he took photos of the room he only took them with corner shots not wall to wall if you know what i mean :)

Are babys room is 8 and half foot by 9 foot which is small
Wow you're only 13 weeks too :shock:

I wish my OH was a bit more motivated, he started stripping the paper off the stairs/hallway a few weeks back and the paper isnt even all off yet, never mind the plastering and painting :roll:

He's not starting the kids' room (Josh and baby are sharing but we're decorating it all again) until he's finished the stairs.

If Im lucky it might be done for when Ryan comes :lol:

Lovely nursery by the way :D
It looks really lovely. I am sooo jealous, all I've got so far is one sleepsuit and a dinky pair of socks!!!! :( and only got these after having 20wk scan!!!!

Told DH that we HAVE to start looking for baby bits, like FURNITURE, cot, pram etc etc etc.
wend said:
Hubby says when he took photos of the room he only took them with corner shots not wall to wall if you know what i mean :)

Are babys room is 8 and half foot by 9 foot which is small

Thanks I'll try that at the weekend, ours is 12x14 so almost double the size but it looks a hell of a lot smaller. Great photography skills, ask if he'll come photograph mine!! :rotfl:
Blooming heck lol 13 weeks n u already done all that LOL :shock:
nice nursery the teddy border...At 13 weeks you have even got bottles.

Our nursery has been done over the last week.

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