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my name is franky and i am a symptom spotter

Technically 6 days as I said I'd test on Mon if AF not here. Wishing I hadn't now :lol:

That's great news about the clinic... Hope Feb comes around quickly for you
Sorry not really relevant to thread! FAO Buddabun;Meant to say looked at ff and joined need to get thermometer but not sure if charting for us I know that sounds daft but just so wanted to try and get preg without science but seems we are going that way so may as well chart waffle waffle!!
Think hubby and I will chat bit more about it dont want him to feel too pressured as that not good for the process.
Your name thingy says you are in Brunei, I bet the weather is much better than here roll on spring. How come you are out there is it work? Sorry just being nosey!! :)
Yeah it's Mr B's work. We're here for 3 years. The weather is supposed to be better (rainforest climate, almost equatorial) but it's just torrential at the moment!!! At least it's not cold...

I know what you mean about not getting the sciencey bit. I started off like that, scoffing at people who temped (at that point I thought it was ONLY vaginal readings though :lol:) etc etc but I thought it can't do any harm. And after 2 m/cs I wanted to see when I ovulated in case I was far off the normal.

Anyway, it's quite good fun!! I used FF just for charting AF for a while. I transferred all my data from one called mymonthlycycles which was very good if you're just after keeping track of AF... But not so good for all the symptoms etc like you get with FF

Best of luck.
Right might have a look at mymonthly one sounds more my cup of tea. Talking of tea of to see my sil in a mo she has an 11 yr old and little girl of just over a year, sometimes so hard to be around people with kids do you know she moaned whole time she was preg last year and I felt like screaming I would love to be in your shoes shut up! Do you and others get feelings like that or am I just a total green eyed monster? :twisted: I like the little devil face thats how I feel sometimes!! Crikey crazy bird or what.

Good luck for testing sure I will be on later x x
im just the same. the month i miscarried i found out my friend (who had a baby in feb) is due again, on MY due date!. Another friend knocked up his girlfriend of one month. Mr Commitment-Phobic had his baby the week after my 2nd m/c. And my best friend just had her 4th. Oh and 3 people have announced their pregnant in the last month! The world is out to get me :lol:

People moan about their kids and I jsut want to shake them. It's only natural hon :hug:
Good not a complete weirdo then :lol: Also my sister has 3 boys one is 4yrs and identical twin boys of 2yrs and my cousin is due next month plus I'm a haridresser and loads of clients preg at moment so blomming hard! I just try keep to my little motto get up and get on with it but so hard sometimes. I'm off said I would be there at 12 argh!! Catch up later x x
best of luck. And it is hard to keep your mouth shut, especially if you havent told people you're ttc.

One of my neighbours, when she first got here, only the 2nd time we'd met (she had a 4 month-old at the time, conceived first cycle of course :lol:) said to me "Oh Helen, I love him so much, you've just GOT to have one!".

She didn't know me from Adam, I could be infertile, I could have miscarried (I hadn't at that point but I had just come on AF so was miserable lol), you don't just say that to people :lol:

My face was like ---> :shock:
Back again, I know some people are so unthoughtful they dont mean to be and we know they dont but but you just cant help the feeling of p off you have no idea whats going on in my little world! Think I might do thread on the most hated unhelpful comments ie: when you relax it will happen or let nature take its course etc etc!!!
Anyway thinking should we pm if chatting like this will people go mad that we may be blocking up a thread I'm newish and dont want to upset any of the other ladies. x x
sorry! I keep weird hours (we are 8 hours ahead of you so I'm technically in the future.. I won't tell you what happens though :lol:) so I am usually around when it's stupid o clock in the morning for you or very early afternoon
Wondered what time difference was, we can catch up on here just dont want to annoy any one been checking out some of the other posts all over forum as I am new and noticed a few ding dongs going on!!! Made me chuckle and lesson learnt from my point of veiw i just wont get involved with the barneys! Its not surprising that there is arguments though theres a lot of hormonal women discussing emotional topics. Think all the ttc ladies very friendly and have been made to feel very welcome by everyone. ( not saying others arent just I have only posted on ttc and welcome bit, ooer above comment could have been flammable best put it out straight away!!)

Anyway read somewhere else that mr b been poorly but better now bet it was worry for you both.

Hope your ok going to see what the other ladies in ttc are up to prob be on for half hr or so take care :hug:
well today i've been symptom spotting like a trooper!

1. tiredness (about to fall asleep already)
2. cramps/stitchy kind of pains kind of like af but different
3. peeing constantly (peed then went to get my hair cut after docs. by the time i got to docs (10 mins including gettting the blood taken) and driven 15 mins there i was desperate to go again!)
4. feeling a lttlebit sick - not really much but just occasionally getting faint sickness and watery mouth.

eta:5. ridiculous amounts of cm - keep thinking af has arrived :oops: been like that for over a week now and bfn on opks
I need to join this group- My name is Danielle and I am a symptom spotter..... :wall:
To make it worse I havnt had af in a year.. so i have no idea if i can even get bfp at the moment.. :(
Any way for about i week i have been feeling sick all of the time, my boobs have doubled... ahhhhhhhhh its driving me mad!
I'm symptom spotting like crazy! AF due 23rd, it's too long to wait :(

The last few days I've been feeling sick, had a banging headache, feeling soooo tired,been very emotional (threw a massive strop which ended in tears over whether to buy a chicken from Tesco :oops: ) , cramps and a really swollen, uncomfortable tummy.

I know I'm probably imaging half these things :wall:
Ahhh...why do we do this to ourselves- ive never been more obsessed with anything in my life! Im just so glad im not the only one. I feel so sick and off food but im pretty sure its just in my head, and im just getting over flu so its probably that!
Liessa- i think we should just test! lol
Liessa said:
I'm symptom spotting like crazy! AF due 23rd, it's too long to wait :(

The last few days I've been feeling sick, had a banging headache, feeling soooo tired,been very emotional (threw a massive strop which ended in tears over whether to buy a chicken from Tesco :oops: ) , cramps and a really swollen, uncomfortable tummy.

I know I'm probably imaging half these things :wall:

you're testig the day I get my results back!! here's hoping it's a lucky day for us both!!
I just know this week is going to stretch out and seem like a month! Didn't realise I would get so obsessed so quickly! :shock:

I'm glad to have some testing buddies, I might be too scared to do it otherwise :wink:
Sorry if this is TMI but the last couple of days I've noticed my boobs feel hot to the touch. Never had this before. Has anyone heard it is a symptom of pregnancy or am I really going overboard on the symptom spotting? :oops:

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